Remove a User's Access to Autoform DM
    • 16 Apr 2024
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    Remove a User's Access to Autoform DM

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    Article summary

    To prevent a current user from logging in, remove their access to Autoform DM. They will no longer be able to proceed past the Autoform DM log-in page.

    You can remove a user's access in two different ways:

    • Disable their user account: The corresponding user account remains present on the User Manager page, but its Disable Login checkbox is selected. So, the user cannot log in to Autoform DM. The main advantage of this method is that the account can be easily re-enabled by clearing the checkbox. For instructions, see Disable and Re-Enable a User Account.

    • Delete their user account: The user account is removed from the User Manager page. However, Autoform DM does not actually delete the user account, because it is linked to data about the past actions that the user performed in Autoform DM. So, you cannot create a new user that has the same username as the "deleted" user. A deleted user can be reinstated, but doing so involves following a process that is relatively complex (compared to re-enabling a disabled user). For instructions, see Delete and Reinstate a User Account.


    If your objective is solely to prevent a particular user from logging in, disable their account rather than deleting it.

    Disable and Re-Enable a User Account

    You can disable and re-enable a user account through the Administration area of Autoform DM.

    Disable a User Account

    To disable a user account, follow these steps:

    1. Click Administration in the Autoform DM menu, then click User Manager.

    2. Click the user that you want to disable.

    3. Scroll down the Basic Details page, then select Disable Login.

    4. Click Confirm.

    Re-Enable a User Account

    To re-enable a disabled user account, follow these steps:

    1. Follow the instructions above to navigate to the user’s page in the User Manager area.

    2. Clear that user's Disable Login checkbox.

    3. Click Confirm.

    Delete and Reinstate a User Account

    You can delete a user account through the Administration area of Autoform DM.


    You cannot subsequently create a new user that has the same username as the deleted user.

    To reinstate a deleted user account, you must use the Autoform DM REST API.

    Delete a User Account

    To delete a user account, follow these steps:

    1. Click Administration in the Autoform DM menu, then User Manager.

      user manager button
    2. Click the user that you want to delete.

      click user
    3. Scroll down the Basic Details page, then click Delete.

    4. At the Delete this User? prompt, click Yes.

    Result: Autoform DM returns to the User Manager page and (above the user list) displays a message to confirm that it updated the selected user account. The user account will no longer be present in the user list.

    Reinstate a Deleted User Account

    The information in this section enables you to return a "deleted" user account to the user list on the User Manager page. To do this, you must use the Autoform DM REST API.


    In summary, the process is as follows. If you already have experience of controlling Autoform DM through its REST API, this process summary might provide enough information to enable you to reinstate the account:

    1. Use the GET method of the /users/{username} endpoint to return data about the deleted user.

    2. Copy that JSON data (for example, to a text editor).

    3. Within the data, change status from DELETED to STANDARD.

    4. Use the PUT method of the /users/{username} endpoint to update the user. The body of the request is the modified JSON data.

    5. Use the User Manager area of Autoform DM to add the user to the appropriate groups and roles.

    However, if you require full instructions or additional information, follow the steps below.


    The following steps reinstate only the basic details of the user account. The group and role memberships that the user had before they were deleted are not preserved.

    So, to make the account usable after you reinstate it, you must go to the User Manager area of Autoform DM and add the user to the appropriate groups and roles.

    To reinstate a deleted user account, follow these steps:

    1. Log in to Autoform DM.

    2. In the application footer, click the i button.

    3. In the Autoform DM Information window, click REST API Documentation. This action opens the Autoform DM server's REST API documentation page in a new tab. As well as providing documentation for REST API endpoints and methods, this page enables you to make REST API requests.

    4. Scroll down the DM REST API page, click users (see a in the image below), then click GET /users/{username} (see b).

    5. In the GET /users/{username} area, click Try it out.

    6. Enter the username of the user that you want to reinstate (see a in the image below), then click Execute (see b). Next, scroll down to the Response body box (in the Responses area — see c), then copy the JSON content of the box (including the opening and closing curly brackets).


      If you do not know the user's username, use the GET /users method to return data about all Autoform DM users.

      In that data, find the user that you want to reinstate (the value of their status property will be DELETED), and then copy the value of their username property.

    7. Scroll down the page, then click PUT /users/{username} (see a in the image below).

    8. Click Try it out.

    9. Enter the name of the user that you want to reinstate (see b above).

    10. Delete the content of the Model box in the Request body area (see c), then paste the JSON content that you copied earlier (from the response to your API request to GET /users/{username}).


      If the button below the box (see d) is labeled Edit instead of Cancel (so you cannot delete the content of the Model box), click Edit, then follow step 10.

    11. In the pasted JSON code, change "status": "DELETED", to "status": "STANDARD", (see e).

    12. Click Execute (see f).

    13. Check the Server response area below the Execute button. If it indicates a code 200 response, the request succeeded.

    14. Return to the web browser tab that contains the Autoform DM web application, then navigate to the User Manager page. The reinstated user will be present in the user list on that page.

    15. Click the reinstated user, then configure them appropriately. Because deleted users' group and role memberships are not preserved, you must add the reinstated user to the appropriate groups and roles. Also, check all the other properties of the reinstated user to ensure that they are appropriate.

    What's Next
    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.