Lasernet FO Connector 6.18 New Features and Fixes
    • 29 Nov 2024
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    Lasernet FO Connector 6.18 New Features and Fixes

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    Article summary

    Lasernet Connector for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

    Release version: 6.18

    Release date: 22nd September 2022


    This page describes the new features, fixes, and enhancements in Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.

    Click to view the Lasernet FO Connector 6.18 Release Notes.

    New Features, Enhancements, and Fixes – Lasernet FO Connector 6.18

    Lasernet FO Connector version 6.18 is released for Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations version 10.0.28 (PU52) and 10.0.29 (PU53).

    The same source code is used across all versions.

    The Connector contains many new features that can assist in improving performance, and it has been optimized in relation to performance. This version also contains features that can reduce the content of the XML file and, therefore, optimize performance.

    The main focus of these enhancements:

    • Performance

    • Reliability

    • Usability (user experience) and flexibility

    • Simplicity

    This is aimed to be a quality update, provided through the following new features, fixes, and enhancements in Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.

    Autoform DM Integration

    The latest version of Lasernet Connector for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations 6.18 includes an integration of Autoform DM.

    For more information on Autoform DM for Dynamics 365, watch the Introduction to Autoform DM for Dynamics 365 video.

    The following Autoform DM integrations and enhancements are now included with this version of Lasernet FO Connector:

    • Seamlessly connect to Dynamics.

    • View all documentation for a specific account within the FO interface.

    • Search for and retrieve documents quickly.

    • Share FO documents with non-Dynamics users.

    • Enable access to document sets for customers or suppliers external to your domain.

    • Secure storage of all files (PDFs, invoices, video files, audio files) alongside metadata.

    • Automatic indexing and content type allocation.

    • Centralized administration and access controls.

    • A fast and simple Document Import tool.

    • ISO 27001 compliant.

    For more details about this product, visit the Autoform DM for Dynamics page on the Formpipe website.

    A full description of the Autoform DM integration enhancements can be found in the relevant additions to the Lasernet FO Connector User Guide.

    Expression Editor Enhancement

    The auto-complete function will show up as soon as you start typing in the new . It will automatically filter values based on context of the expression and what has been already typed.

    The icons in the auto-complete lookup indicate the types of available objects.



    Value source




    Operator or reserved word, such as (IF, THEN, SWITCH)



    Container field

    Date field

    Enum field

    Integer field

    Real field

    String field

    If you start typing ‘C’, the editor will automatically show all available sources starting with ‘C’. CustConfirmJour and CustConfirmTrans are the available tables for the report, and in this example, the SalesConfirmReplacement is used.

    If you select or type the table name and continue typing the field name, all available fields and methods will appear in an auto-complete list.

    Error Reporting

    Syntax analysis and error reporting are automatic. If an error occurs in the Expression, an automatic callout with a short error message will appear, and a longer version will appear in the status line below the editor. Note that the error position in the status line is indicated with <-!->.

    Syntax Updates

    Multi-line expressions are now supported. Comments are also added to improve the documentation of some of the expression parts.


    Switch CustConfirmJour.CustGroup
                case "Regular" then "Regular customer"
                case "Priority" then "Priority customer" /* Special name for Priority customers */
                default "Other customers"
    End + " "  + "order"

    Syntax Colors

    Syntax elements are now color-coded:

    Syntax highlights


    Blue is reserved for operators and words.

    Dark green is for complete value segments.

    Dark red is for string constants or numeric constants.

    Light green is for comments.

    Bright red is for incomplete values. Complete expressions should not contain these.

    Regardless of color, an underlined segment is Active. Value for such segment will also be  editable in separate value field located below:

    Be aware that syntax highlighting can be slow in environments with high network latency. Because of automatic validation and highlighting, quite a few roundtrips to the server and back are required. You can monitor latency in your browser by clicking F12 > Network.

    An established VPN connection can also slow performance, as the latency can be higher than when running the software without a VPN.


    There is a new value source called Enums. Enums will also appear in the auto-complete lookup, but only when the filter reduces the number of them below 20. This is done to avoid loading a massive amount of data, as there are many Enums in the system.

    Enums now support three types of values. For example, if SalesTable.Sales status is Open order:

    1. (New) SalesTable.SalesStatus would return the numeric value of the Enum, such as 1.

    2. SalesTable.SalesStatus:NAME would return a symbolic representation of the Enum, such as Backorder.

    3. SalesTable.SalesStatus:LABEL would return the label of the , such as Open order.

    If these are used in expressions, ensure that you compare the same type of value. The best practice is to use :NAME as this will be the same across all environments, even where numeric values might differ.

    Auto-complete also works with Enum values:

    Test of Expression

    New functionalities for testing an Expression have been implemented. You can test expressions with different values that can be plugged into them and observe the output result. To test your Expression, specify the test values, then click Calculate test result.

    All test values are saved as LastValues in the user’s Usage data under Class > LACExpressionParser > TestValues. The Calculate test result checkmark is also saved in Usage data as Form > LACExpressionEditor > CalculateTestResult. Normally, test values can be reused across various expressions, as these are common for all of them. Only relevant values are shown by default, but you can show all test values saved for the user by clicking Show all. Select Clean test values to indicate how many test values are saved for a user.

    If the calculation fails, you will get the following test error:

    In this case, the expression is technically valid, but comparing an integer Enum value with a string produces a testing runtime error.


    The Expression editor is now resizable.

    How do I measure Network latency?

    In an Azure-hosted environment – Non-ServiceFabric (IIS) (B8ms):

    In an Azure-hosted ServiceFabric environment:

    Support for SharePoint 365 Graph in Lasernet

    A new option to support Microsoft ®/Lasernet Graphs when working with SharePoint is now introduced.

    The support for SharePoint 365 Graph in Lasernet can be accessed by navigating to Setup > Administration > Connection > Graph setup in Lasernet.

    A similar setting is located in the Lasernet Server which can be accessed by selecting Connections and is also embedded within the SharePoint module.

    Connection for SharePoint 365:

    Embedded connection within the SharePoint module:

    Adjustment of the Lasernet Configuration

    The following adjustments are required within the Lasernet configuration to support the Sharepoint 365 Graph in Lasernet:

    1. Update script:

    Attach documents > AttachDocumentGeneric (prefix, prefix2)

    The code in StorageType is the SharePoint part of the method.

    logger.logEvent(0, prefix + ' loading file from: ' + job.getJobInfo(pref + 'StorageType'));
    if (job.getJobInfo(pref + 'FilePath') != job.getJobInfo(pref + 'FilePathGraph'))
        // On graph full path should be in FileStorage
        job.setJobInfo('AttachmentFileStorage', job.getJobInfo(pref + 'FilePathGraph')+
                                                 job.getJobInfo(pref + 'FileStorage'), true);
        job.setJobInfo('AttachmentFileStorageCategory', '', true);
        // Setting file name for azureStorageCommand
        job.setJobInfo('AttachmentFileStorage', job.getJobInfo(pref + 'FileStorage'), true);
        job.setJobInfo('AttachmentFileStorageCategory', job.getJobInfo(pref + 'FilePath'), true); 
    1. Update script:

    LAC functions > SetOutParameters

    job.setJobInfo('OutFilePathGraph', job.getJobInfo(mergedPrefix + 'FilePathGraph'), true);
    1. Open the SharePoint Output module, select Pre JobInfos, and add additional value with the criteria. This will set OutFilePath to OutFilePathGraph if OutFilePath is not equal to OutFilePathGraph.

    316466@LAC365FO – Improve warning when resending documents to predefined destination and not use Force rerun

    An improved warning is added for attempts to resend documents by using a predefined destination and not using Force rerun.

    Force-rerun is required when resending documents and when using predefined destinations, as this would require all data (tables/fields) to identify the proper destination.

    The following warning is introduced when resending:

    312295@LAC365FO – T&P: Top picking for SSRS SalesInvoice and SalesConfirmation

    Lasernet FO Connector 6.18 supports the use of SSRS reports for Top picking used within the Test & Performance Suite.

    This is useful when there is a need to benchmark report performance and memory when using a standard/customized SSRS report.

    305374@LAC365FO - Date format applied on report value is not respected in the Email body

    The new option ReportValueFormatted is introduced and issued for using the formatting applied to an element within the structure.

    This is useful if there is a need to use specific formatting of information, such as an email body.

    Apply the required formatting for the required field, such as the Custom format for ConfirmDate in the following example:

    Select ReportValueFormatted to get the proper formatting.

    305298@LAC365FO - Change in TOP records 6.17

    The option Top reset is introduced and used in relation to the Top records.

    The Top reset option controls when the number of records used for Top records should get reset/set to zero.

    Top reset



    The number of records in Top records is calculated across the report, and any records found within any of the tables will be part of the calculation of the number of records (Top-x).


    The number of records in Top records is reset (set to zero) when the parent record changes.

    It is possible to use the Top reset for any tables and in any subqueries used within the Query.

    • Top reset Report

    Top resets are in the following example set to Parent for the tables (data source) SalesTable and SalesLine. The Top records are also set to two for both.

    The result will be two records for both SalesTable and SalesLine. Only records from the first sale orders line (000002) are returned, even though sales order line records also exist for sales order 000003.

    • Top reset Report and Parent

    Setting the Top reset to Parent for SalesLine and selecting two in Top records will generate an output containing two records for both tables.

    The result will be two records for both SalesTable and SalesLine.

    • Top reset: Report, Parent, and zero for Top records

    Setting Top records to zero for the SalesLine will return all records for each sales line.

    The result is two records from the table SalesTable and all records from the table SalesLine.

    271957@LAC365FO - Decouple XML and PDF storage for SharePoint 365

    There is a new option to use one Storage/Storage type for the XML file and another Storage/Storage type for the PDF file.

    This approach ensures much better, faster, and more stable communication, such as using SharePoint (or Autoform DM) to archive the documents (normally PDF files).

    This is useful for specific formatting of information, such as within an email body.

    305298@LAC365FO – Change in TOP records 6.17

    The document preview has been adjusted.

    317135@LAC365FO – Archive performance sorting parameter

    A new feature has been introduced that provides the option to improve performance when there are many entries (records) in the Lasernet Archive and when making a resend from the Archive.

    When there are many records, the issue is not resending and creating an entry in the Archive, but when the selected entry (record) needs to be re-selected (current record).

    The default option, Newest to oldest, which has also been the standard in previous versions of Lasernet FO Connector, could cause the system to become unresponsive when resending from the Archive and when having many entries in the Archive. Selecting the new option Oldest to newest makes the system much more responsive when there are many entries in the Archive and when making a resend. It will find the same records, but it will set the focus (current record) to the end of the Archive.

    • Newest to oldest

    Records are sorted by default by descending order of the Created date and time, the same pattern as in previous versions of Lasernet FO Connector.

    • Oldest to newest

    Sorting from Oldest to newest will show the newest records at the end of the Archive, in ascending order of the Created date and time.

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