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Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 New Features and Fixes
Lasernet Connector for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations
Release version: 6.17
Release date: 1st April 2022
This page describes the new features, fixes, and enhancements in Lasernet FO Connector 6.17.
Click to view the Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 Release Notes.
New Features, Fixes, and Enhancements - Lasernet FO Connector 6.17
Usability and Flexibility
Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 is released for Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations versions PU48, PU49, and PU50.
The same code is used across all versions.
The Connector itself has been optimized for performance, but Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 also contains features that can lower the content of the XML file and, therefore, optimize performance.
This is aimed to be a quality update provided through these new features, fixes, and enhancements:
Time for the report execution has been optimized
Performance in Archive is optimized
Query wizard is much faster
Lower use of memory
New features in Query wizard to assist in lowering size of XML file
Autoconversion of Subreports into Query structure
Automatic backup (option to schedule export)
Compare functionality
Auto update of Lasernet design (in case output is restricted)
Usability and Flexibility
Query wizard
Improved search option
Option to Copy and Move data sources
Query links (master Query)
Better options for labels and language texts
Better options to structure the output (XML file)
Auto-conversion of subreports into Query structure
Auto-creation of Design document
Attachments (Attachments and entries from Archive)
Query Wizard
The following information contains an overview of the new features that have been added to the Query wizard.
Copy/Link Query: Provides the option to either copy or link to another Query.
Using a link to a Query provides the option to maintain and use one central Query – like a Query for the CompanyInfo.
The performance is also greater compared to using a subreport.
Copy/Move: Provides the option to copy or move the data sources, including the option to include all nested data sources.
Useful when re-structuring data sources (tables) within an existing structure and also useful when inserting tables between existing tables.
Autoconversion of Subreport: It is possible to automatically convert an existing Subreport into the Query.
This feature is located within the Structure/Elements of the report: Lasernet > Common > Reports > Structure.
The advantage is better performance, especially if the Subreport is used at the line level, as this would cause the Subreport to be executed numerous times.
Executing a Subreport multiple times would cause many ”round-trips” and could cause slower performance.
Query links contain a nice overview of where the Subreports and Query links are used.
Labels: Provide the option to add multiple labels within the Query wizard.
Parameters: Provide the option to include the parameters from either the SSRS/Replacement report or from fields created through the Dialog setup within the output (XML file).
This is useful in case parameters for initializing the report should be shown as part of the document—such as when showing the Account range, Date range, etc. that was used when running the report.
It is best practice to provide the option to show which ranges were applied when a report was executed, especially if it is an internal or statistical report.
Language texts: Provide the option to include the labels/language texts that have been added through the Report group (this would add the previously used context method LACLanguageTextsReport().
Layout: Provides the option to specify what should be included in the output/XML File (Min, Medium, Maximum).
Layout | Description |
Maximum | Contains data source name plus Detail_Collection and Details for each record |
Medium | Only contains data source name and Details for each record. |
Minimum | Only contains data source name for each record. |
This is extremely useful when optimizing performance as it can lower the size of the XML file by using Minimum instead of Maximum.
It can especially improve performance when having a report with many details/records/lines.
Using Minimum instead of Maximum in Layout would require adjusting the Lasernet design, but Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 contains a new feature that provides the option to convert the Lasernet design (pattern and re-arranges).
The default for the Layout when creating a new report (Query) is Minimum.
The default when creating a replacement report is Maximum.
Labels: Provide the option for adding multiple labels and language texts for a specific Query.
Adding the labels or language texts for a specific Query is also shown in the Data sources (top level).
Create element: Option to specify if the Query name should be added into the XML file.
Create element is automatically enabled when converting a Subreport into the Query Structure, as this would ensure the same Structure as when the Subreport was used.
Show labels on: Option to specify where and how often labels should be shown within the XML file.
Normally, a label is required only once within a document, and having many repeated labels could harm performance.
Show labels on has been introduced to avoid repeating labels but can also ensure all labels are shown by using the Top option, such as when always showing a label even though no record exists.
Show labels on | Description |
EachDataSourceNode | Shows labels at each of the nodes for a data source. |
FirstDataSourceNode | Shows labels at the first node of each data source. |
Hide | Does not show any labels for the data source. |
Top | Shows all labels at the top. |
Labels: Provide the option for adding multiple labels and language texts for a specific data source.
Labels or Language texts added for a specific data source are also shown at Data sources (top level).
Search for field names: Searching for field names now contains two options:
Search for field name across all data sources/tables (like in previous versions).
Search for field name within a specific table.
These new search options apply to the following areas:
When adding fields
When adding sort fields
When adding field(s) for a range
It is possible to toggle between the two search options by using the following button:
The following image illustrates when searching across all data sources/tables:
The following image illustrates searching within a specific data source (table) but it is possible to select any of the data sources/tables within the dropdown for the table name:
Attachments (Simplified)
Working with Attachments has been improved: this function now supports adding attachments at the line/detail level and does not require the use of context methods.
It is also possible to add existing documents from the Archive and specify if All, Last, or only the First attachment/archive document should be added.
Attachment from | Description |
Attachment from | From Attachment From archive Reserved |
Attach | All Last First |
From attachments will add the attachments (DocuRef/DocuValue) from the table specified in Attachment reference table.
It also works with attachments located at the detail/line level, so there is no need to add a context method, as in previous versions of Lasernet FO Connector.
Detail/line level is similar to adding attachments from Sales lines (SalesLine), Confirmation lines (CustConfirmTrans), Invoice lines (CustInvocieTrans) etc.
From attachments is useful when adding existing document(s) from the Archive, such as Customer invoices (Sales invoices) when running the report CustAccount statement.
Reserved: Used with the context methods and does not require/respect any setup for the attachment(s) as this is managed through the context method itself.
All: Will (for the table specified in the Attachment reference table) add all attachments or all documents from the Archive that meet the specified criteria (Restriction, Type, and condition).
Last: Will (for the table specified in the Attachment reference table only) add the last attachments or last document from the Archive that meets the specified criteria (Restriction, Type, and Condition).
First: Will (for the table specified in the Attachment reference table only) add the first attachments or first document from the Archive that meets the specified criteria (Restriction, Type, and Condition).
Backup/Scheduled Backup
Exporting from either Lasernet > Common > Backup > Export Lasernet Backup or from Lasernet > Common > Reports > Export report Backup now contains the option to schedule this export and to use a storage type such as Azure Storage, File-system, Sharepoint, etc.
It is also possible to enter a Static filename. This provides the option to schedule a backup that can be automatically imported into other environments, such as when multiple environments need to be in sync/updated.
It is possible to use a static file name in the source environment and schedule a backup every night at 03:00, which is imported at 04:00 to the destination by using this Static filename.
Export Lasernet backup | Description |
Endpoint type | Browser: As in previous versions, will use UI for the export. Lasernet Connection: Provide the option for selecting one of the existing storage types such as Sharepoint, File-system, Azure Storage, etc. |
Compress backup | In case the export (XML file) is compressed (ZIP file). |
Static filename | Provide the option to enter a fixed name for the export (XML or ZIP file). |
A new option, Dynamic, is introduced for the import. Dynamic will ensure the file is not imported unless it exists.
Follow these steps as an example of exporting to Azure Storage (source):
Select Lasernet Connection within the field Endpoint type and select a connection in the dropdown for Connection.
The export is compressed with the fixed name SyncUpEnvironments (see settings in the following image). Save the export in the location Azure Storage.
Specify which reports to include and click OK.
The option Lock to pre-defined selection provides the ability to save the selections as default for the next time it is used – in this case, it would be saved to Default.
Enable Batch processing and use Recurrence to specify the recurrence/schedule of the batch.
The following settings would ensure an export every night at 03:00:
Example – Automatic import (destination):
Comparing Query Definition
Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 contains a new powerful option for comparing files.
Currently, this is introduced at the report level and within the Archive, where it is possible to compare either two Query definitions or two entries in the Archive.
This is useful when comparing an older and newer version of a Query, such as when having a backup of a report/Query, which could be compared with the new definition.
This can also be used for version control and documentation as long as the query exists as a copy or backup.
It is possible to make a copy of a report/Query before making any adjustments and then use the compare tool after the adjustment to illustrate/describe what has been modified.
This version contains a new feature that can create a report summary (FDD).
Compare: This feature works for replacement reports (Query) and new Queries but not for SSRS reports.
The feature is located in Lasernet > Common > Reports.
You need to select the two Queries that will be compared and then click Compare.
The following image demonstrates when the Query SalesConfirmReplacement is compared with the backup SalesConfirmReplacement_Backup:
The following image is shown in case the definitions for the Queries are identical:
The following image illustrates when having a different definition for the Queries such as tables, fields, sorting, ranges, etc.:
A similar option exists for the Archive in which it is possible to compare two entries within the Archive – Lasernet > Common > Reports > Journal (Archive).
The user must find two entries in the Archive and select Compare.
This would compare the two XML files within Archive:
Optimize Lasernet Log
The entries within the Lasernet Archive contain the information required for resending when using the option Allow force rerun.
Force rerun would ensure the document is re-initialized/created from the start and that it is not picked up from the Archive (usually a PDF document).
This information is packed in a field/record within the Archive, which often requires quite a lot of space.
Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 contains an option to shrink or completely remove this information within the Archive.
This will lower the size of the Archive but keep the existing and saved documents (PDF / XML) in the Archive.
It is possible to avoid information only used for the resend with force rerun to get saved by disabling the option for Force rerun.
The following two options for Allow forced rerun will save the required information for the Force rerun:
On Archive
On forms and Archive
The required information for Force rerun is saved within the Archive.
Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 shows the size of the record used for the resend data, such as the following:
Using the values <Empty> or On forms in Allow forced rerun will not save the information required for the Force rerun:
It would not be possible to use the Force rerun option in case <Empty> or On forms are specified in Allow forced rerun. Force rerun will work from standard journals even when deleting the resend data.
Force rerun is still shown in the standard journal:
The initial size of the created records is lowered in Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 and would also get lowered when SHRINK used.
The option to either delete or shrink the Archive is located in Lasernet > Setup > Parameters:
The value in the field Archive age (in days) indicates how old (in days) the archive must be to delete re-processing data for it.
It is also possible to run across all companies/legal entities by using the option Cross company.
A similar option to delete/shrink the Archive is located within the Archive. This is useful in case of testing the size of a record before and after shrinking the records:
Support for Force rerun before deleting the resend data:
This will remove the option for Force rerun and still provide the option to resend the existing document within the Archive (normally a PDF file).
Auto-creation of Design Document
Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 contains a powerful option for creating a design document (FDD).
This is useful for preparing both a nice overview of the reports and for preparing documentation.
This feature is located at the report level – Lasernet > Common > Reports.
Select the required report followed by Generate report summary.
This prepares the following document (Excel file) containing the report summary:
The Documentation mapping column located in the report’s Structure/Elements provides the option to specify a reference to the design in Lasernet.
This would get added to the document (Excel file) such as the following:
Auto-conversion of Lasernet Design
Changing the structure of the output (XML file) could also require adjustments to the design in Lasernet, such as in relation to the patterns (details) and re-arranges that are used.
Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 contains a new feature that automatically converts the Lasernet design (patterns and re-arranges). This can happen when changing the Layout from Maximum to Minimum, which can optimize performance but would require adjustments to the Lasernet design.
Ensure a backup is made of both the report definition (Query) in Lasernet FO Connector and Lasernet design, in case the conversion is not working as expected.
Converting from Maximum to Medium, Maximum to Minimum, and Medium to Minimum are currently supported but this will get extended in future releases.
Follow these steps when changing output (XML file) from Maximum to Minimum:
Ensure Update design is enabled – Lasernet > Setup > Parameters > Performance > TOOLS > Update design.
Make an export of the report definition (Query) in Lasernet FO Connector and the Form in Lasernet (it is possible to export multiple forms from Lasernet and import them into Lasernet FO Connector).
Change the Layout for the report from Maximum to Minimum within the Query wizard (SalesConfirmReplacement in this case).
Run the report to identify patterns and rearranges that are not working as expected.
Import the Lasernet design into Lasernet FO Connector – Lasernet > Reports > Update design.
Select the required Form within the field Form in file (required in case the file contains multiple designs).
Click OK to prepare a new Form, which will be imported into Lasernet.
(This new Form/File contains the new patterns and re-arranges required for Lasernet Developer).
Import the file created in Lasernet FO Connector into Lasernet Developer (Design).
Use the following option to ensure the existing form is saved as a Backup.
Click Deploy/Patch.
Rerun the report and ensure the proper output is shown.
Review and Document Handling
Reviewing documents with Review Before Sending provides a great option to verify/approve documents before they are delivered. It is possible to save the final document (normally a PDF file) as an attachment when making the delivery.
Using document handling in review will only work if archiving is activated and will not work for documents in which archiving is disabled, such as proforma documents. Save XML must be enabled.
The combination of review and saving the document as an attachment has been improved in Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 by adding a phase/status identifying the documents that have not been delivered.
The note ['In review on report xxxx’] is added for the attachment in case the document has not been delivered, such as when canceling the review.
The Pending review within the Archive would identify the document that has not been delivered.
Deliver report through the Review would ensure the document is saved as an attachment (Document handling).
After the document is delivered through the Review.
The following illustrates the benchmark/performance comparison between Lasernet FO Connector 6.16 and 6.17.
The Batch print schedule (Top picking) located in the Test & Performance Suite is used for all measurements.
Batch print schedule (Top picking) is extremely useful for end customers as it provides the option to save benchmark/performance measurement over time, such as before and after upgrades of standard Dynamics or after an upgrade of an ISV solution, like Lasernet FO Connector.
Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 is generally much faster, especially when using many batch tasks/threads.
The following tables compare performance when using a different number of threads with Lasernet FO Connector 6.17:
The following table illustrates a benchmark between using a subreport and a subreport converted into the Query.
Running 12 confirmation reports with 1000 lined each:
Number of threads | When using Subreport | After converting Subreport into Query |
1 | Each report: 19078 ms. Total time: 3 min 52 sec. | Each report: 6845 ms. Total time: 1 min 23 sec. |
2 | Each report: 18434 ms. Total time: 1 min 52 sec. | Each report: 7128 ms. Total time: 43 sec. |
4 | Each report: 18858 ms. Total time: 58 sec. | Each report: 8661 ms. Total time: 27 sec. |
8 | Each report: 26373 ms. Total time: 55 sec. | Each report: 12490 ms. Total time: 19 sec. |
The following subreport was used for both subreport and for Query and was used at the line level (CustConfirmTrans) for the report Sales confirmation:
291857@LAC365FO - Culture info adjustment in LAC setup parameters does not get transferred to other entities when exporting or copying
The choice to export the Culture info adjustment is added as an option in Lasernet FO Connector 6.17.
Adding a “yellow element” would cause an empty output, and using the values from the TMP table as a range for the Subreport could cause a long-running report (Query), as it would fetch all the records in the sub-report as no ranges were passed.
This is fixed in Lasernet FO Connector 6.17.
280604@LAC365FO - Subreport not working in Lasernet FO Connector 6.16
Replacing an SSRS report using TempDB for the TMP tables could cause empty values to get returned when adding a field within the Structure/Elements, such as the report ReturnAcknowledgmentAndDocument.
The issue was only related to Lasernet FO Connector 6.16 and only occurred in some specific scenarios using TempDB.
277620@LAC365FO - Object reference not set to an instance of an object when printing to LN printers
Using a condition for the Lasernet server could cause the following error message:
Your title goes here
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
This is now fixed.
277518@LAC365FO - Reports generated by Alert links are marked as being a copy
Reports started through an Alert link were marked as copies within the Archive.
Entries within the Archive triggered through an Alert link are no longer marked as a copy in Lasernet FO Connector 6.17.
(272246@LAC365FO - Load defaults for email subject and body are not loaded in printer settings, default report in printer settings
Printer settings and Load defaults would always use the original SalesInvoice.Report (SalesInvoiceReplacement) and not the report specified within the print management for the report:
Lasernet FO Connector 6.17 contains a new option that uses the report specified within print management for the printer settings. This option also works for the Load defaults.
This would ensure printer settings (including Email subject/body) are found in the report specified within the print management.
274226@LAC365FO - Bug - Alert link report processing
An issue with alert links and when using Cross-company data sharing has been fixed.
199837@LAC365FO - Change Selection tables to class name instead of ID.
The Default for the backup (export) has been changed to use the class names instead of the ID.
Run Register selection-classes which is located in Lasernet > Backup parameters > Setup Default Selections in case the following error occurs:
Export of Lasernet backupPlease try to run 'Register selection-classes' before proceeding.'
191709@LAC365FO - Automatic back up of the LAC365FO configuration
The Export Lasernet Backup now includes the option to run the export within a batch task. This provides the option to have a nightly backup. It also provides the option to automatically move between environments as it is possible to configure a static file name and use the existing connection type/connections such as Azure, File-system, etc.
Both the export and import provide the option to run in a batch.
The new option Endpoint type is added when making an export. Selecting Lasernet Connection provides the option for selecting the existing connection for the Storage, such as Azure Storage, File-system, etc.
Selection | Description |
Browser | Similar to previous versions. |
Lasernet Connection | Option to select an existing connection for the Storage. |
Selection | Description |
Compress Backup | Will create a ZIP of the Export. |
Static filename | Provide the option for a static filenaming. In case a fixed import is defined/used at the destination. |
156447@LAC365FO - Warning if Lasernet-archive is included in the export/import
The following warning is displayed if the Lasernet Archive is included in the selection of the Backup or included through the Predefined selection:
Including 'Lasernet Log' can significantly increase the processing time and backup size.
Run Register selection-classes, which is located in Lasernet > Backup parameters > Setup Default Selections in case of the following error:
Export of Lasernet backupPlease try to run 'Register selection-classes' before proceeding.