Lasernet FO Connector 6.14 New Features and Fixes
    • 29 Nov 2024
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    Lasernet FO Connector 6.14 New Features and Fixes

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    Article summary

    Lasernet Connector for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

    Release version: 6.14

    Release date: 4th June 2021


    This page describes the new features, fixes, and enhancements in Lasernet FO Connector 6.14.

    Click to view the Lasernet FO Connector 6.14 Release Notes.

    New Features, Fixes, and Enhancements - Lasernet FO Connector 6.14

    The primary focus of Lasernet FO Connector 6.14.0 are stability and usability.

    Lasernet FO Connector 6.14.0 supports Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations PU43 (10.0.19).

    Using previous versions of Lasernet FO Connector caused issues with PU43 (10.0.19) as the Lasernet destination was not shown for all reports – both an issue with the printer settings dialog and the Lasernet print buttons.


    Support for PU43 (10.0.19)

    Lasernet FO Connector contains the new option Auto detect patterns.

    Lasernet connector uses the “call stack” in standard Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations to identify if Lasernet should be available as the destination.

    This call stack has changed for standard Dynamics PU43/10.0.19 and, therefore, also requires changes in Lasernet FO Connector (and PRN as well).

    The feature Auto detect patterns is added to support any versions of Dynamics, ensuring that Lasernet FO Connector is both backward and forward compatible.

    Use Auto detect patterns if the Lasernet destinations are not shown as expected.

    The system will automatically be initialized when running a report for the first time, but will require a re-initialization by using Auto detect patterns when upgrading to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations PU43 or newer.

    The fields Stack form pattern and Stack class pattern save information about detecting Lasernet as a destination.

    Remember to use the Auto detect patterns for each of the Companies/Legal entities within Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations if Lasernet is missing as a destination or when upgrading to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations PU43 or newer.

    Auto detect patterns is located in Lasernet > Setup > Parameters.

    Stack form pattern and Stack class pattern are made visible to provide a workaround in case Microsoft ® makes additional changes to the “call stack” in future versions of Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.

    Optimized form links

    Previous versions of Lasernet FO Connector saved a copy (packed version) of the Query created within the Query wizard.

    This could cause issues when adjusting the Structure within the Query wizard, as this could change the Unique IDs used for the Ranges within the Form links.

    A new approach has been implemented in Lasernet FO Connector 6.14, which re-uses the same Query as the one created within the Query wizard and only applies the Ranges and the sorting when used in the Form links.

    Delete the “last-values” in case a report is not working as expected.

    Example of the issue in previous versions:

    In the Structure of the report, CustTable is the highest parent data source/table, and CustTrans is the child data source/table.

    Use the field CustTable.AccountNum to link a Form with the Query:


    It is possible to use Form instead of Context in the following expression.

    Revert the Structure within the Query wizard, use the table CustTrans as the highest parent data source/table, and use the table CustTable as the child data source/table.

    This will remove the Range for custTable.AccountNum – the Ranges for CustTable.AccountNum would get lost within the Form links.

    Lasernet FO Connector 6.14.0 will keep the Ranges, such as CustTable.AccountNum in the following:


    Adding images

    A new option for adding images, such as company logos, is added in Lasernet FO Connector 6.14.

    It is possible to add the images (Overlays) in the following locations:

    • Lasernet > Setup > Lists > Images

    • Lasernet > Common > Reports

    • Lasernet > Setup > Lists > Report group

    Lasernet > Setup > Lists > Images

    This is the general location for adding images, which can then be used at the report level and/or in the Report groups.

    Lasernet > Common > Reports

    Images are added specifically for the report.

    A Report group is created containing a range for the specific report (Dynamic Range for the report) and the added images.

    Lasernet > Setup > Lists > Report group

    This provides the option to add images across a number of reports.

    Images are added (binary encoded) into the XML file, such as:

    They can be used in Lasernet by using Image > Job > Base64.

    220934@LAC365FO – Check report query Last values affect between multiple Form links and Dialog defaults

    A version of the Query is no longer saved within the Form links.

    This approach ensures that existing Ranges are kept for the Query within the Form links after modifying the Query within the Query wizard.

    220765@LAC365FO – Validate Enum value on the parameter

    A warning such as the following is displayed in Lasernet FO Connector 6.14 when entering a non-existing value for an Enum:


    It was possible in previous versions of Lasernet FO Connector to enter a non-existing value for the Enum.


    The value for the Enum is not validated when Range is selected or if Validate is disabled.

    No validation of the Enum value when the Range checkbox is selected:

    No validation of the Enum value when Validate is disabled:

    220766@LAC365FO – Batch execution does not have LACReport initialized when running CE(class) reports

    In previous versions of Lasernet FO Connector, it was not possible to execute an OData report within a batch task.

    Executing an OData Query (CE) within a batch task would cause the following error:


    Batch task failed: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    Lasernet FO Connector 6.14  supports the option to use a batch-task for an OData Query (CE).

    220807@LAC365FO – Unable to lookup ODATA field values, when field property is different from field name

    In previous versions, looking up OData fields did not work as expected when the field property was different from the field name, such as having a field entity accountId for the entity quotes.

    This is fixed in Lasernet FO Connector 6.14.


    Failed to get OData.

    Bad Request quotes?$select=accountid Error code: 0x0 Message: Could not find a property named 'accountid' on type 'Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.quote'.

    220971@LAC365FO – Adding custom(yellow) OData field is not initializing right data type, as fields are taken only from selected fields in the wizard

    In previous versions, when adding an element manually for an OData Query, the Type was not correct, such as in the following image where the Type should be Real.

    The only issue when using an OData Query and work-around was manually adjusting the Type.

    This is fixed in Lasernet FO Connector 6.14.

    Previous versions:

    Lasernet FO Connector 6.14:

    221048@LAC365FO – Lookup of SharePoint subsites is limited to 99


    Previous versions of Lasernet FO Connector only supported lookup for 99 subsites when using SharePoint within a server connection.

    Lasernet FO Connector 6.14 supports an “unlimited” number of subsites.

    221103@LAC365FO – Image list for Lasernet reports

    A new option for adding images, such as the company logo, is added to Lasernet FO Connector 6.14.

    It is possible to add the images at the following locations:      

    • Lasernet > Setup > Lists > Images

    • Lasernet > Common > Reports

    • Lasernet > Setup > Lists > Report group

    221384@LAC365FO – Validation on orphaned LACReportParameters

    Activating the following preview feature could cause issues when saving the record in a Form.

    It could also cause issues when trying to add a condition to the Form.

    The work-around was disabling the following preview feature in standard Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.

    Warnings such as the following could occur in Form Lasernet servers when trying to create/save the record:


    Field 'Instance' must be filled in.

    Field 'Connection string' must be filled in.

    The following warnings could occur when adding a Condition:


    Field 'Label' must be filled in.

    Field 'Section' must be filled in.

    Field 'Report' must be filled in.

    221459@LAC365FO – EcoResProductCategory somehow is referenced in Retail and in PU43 requires Lasernet reference to Retail

    A reference to the model Retail is required for the model Lasernet when using Dynamics Finance and Operations PU43/10.0.19.

    This is added to Lasernet FO Connector 6.14.

    221478@LAC365FO – Error on validation of report type class

    Validating a report of type Class (OData/CE) could cause an object reference error. Refreshing the metadata could avoid this error.

    This is fixed in Lasernet FO Connector 6.14.


    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    221538@LAC365FO – Validation on License expiration fails on older kernels (PU3)

    The following warning was displayed when opening either the Form Lasernet reports, Lasernet parameters or when processing a report and when having an expiration date for the license. The warning was shown even though the expiration warning was set as low as not to cause the warning. Such as when using an open demo license having an expiration date:

    This is fixed in Lasernet FO Connector 6.14.

    221912@LAC365FO – Empty screen after review and after applying a signature to a document

    An empty screen was shown after delivering a document for which a signature was added within the review of the document.

    This is fixed in Lasernet FO Connector 6.14.

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