Lasernet BC Connector New Features and Fixes
    • 22 May 2024
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    Lasernet BC Connector New Features and Fixes

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    Article summary

    Lasernet Connector for Dynamics 365 Business Central

    Release version:

    Release date: 19th April 2022


    This page describes the new features, fixes, and enhancements in Lasernet BC Connector

    Click to view the Lasernet BC Connector Release Notes.

    New Features, Fixes and Enhancements – Lasernet BC Connector

    Lasernet BC Connector version is aimed to be a quality update, provided through the following fixes and enhancements.

    #291525 – Document Layout generates incorrect data when set in certain conditions

    In previous versions, Document Layout custom field might generate an incorrect Line No. for filtering in specific cases.

    For example, this can happen when a Sales Document contains Sales Lines 10000, 20000, and 40000 (30000 was deleted before posting).

    During the posting, Sales Shipment Line or Posted Warehouse Shipment Line contains Line Nos 10000, 20000, and 30000, with relation to 10000, 20000, and 40000, respectively.

    When the top-level starts from Sales/Posted Warehouse Shipment Line and contains a sub-item Sales Line with a specified relation, the code was incorrectly assigned a Line No. for displaying 10000, 20000, and 40000. As a result, the data required for the original line 30000 was filtered out.

    This is now fixed.

    #294321 – System-generated lines do not show up on reports

    System-generated lines that BC generates, such as Prepayment lines on an invoice or roundings, were not displayed on the Lasernet report.

    This is now fixed.

    #281050 – Error upon printing Warehouse Shipment

    In previous versions, the Warehouse shipment report would show the following error:


    Record (7320) is not compatible with Codeunit.Run (record(5766)).

    This is now fixed.

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