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Release version: 9.11
Release date: 5th February 2021
New Features and Fixes
The purpose of this section is to outline the new features and fixes of the components of Lasernet Version 9.11.
Lasernet Config Server
Fixed an issue where the description for an existing user name or group, added to the Configuration Server, could not be changed.
Lasernet Portal Server
Ignore failing key availability check when selecting certificates that use another key algorithm than RSA or DSA key.
Lasernet Form Engine
Fixed an unintended detection of a none existing phrase during template import of an MS Word document by throwing the error "getSheetPhraseUse called with NULL GUID".
Lasernet Form Editor
Fixed a crash caused by a stack overflow when running large CSV jobs (100+ MB) through a CSV input form.
Fixed an issue where specific PNG/JPG images were not present in MS Word output format.
Fixed a backspace key usage issue, causing a crash, in in-place edit mode for Fixed Text objects.
A new feature has been introduced for managing grid lines, horizontally, vertically or hidden and added to the chart settings.
Lasernet Developer
An option to exclude grab files is added to a new pop-up dialog during export and import of a full configuration.
Fixed an issue where the input form format in the list of forms, after migration from an older version, figured as N/A instead of the original input format type
Fixed an issue where an incorrect form type figured in the list of a form in specific cases for PDF Filler Forms.
Changed Log Directory on server settings to be empty with a placeholder when using default log location.
Lasernet Client, Meta and OCR Editor
Added support for preview of PNG and JPEG formats.
Added the 'Reset Layout' button to Misc. options in Lasernet Client and Lasernet OCR to reset layout and position for docker windows.
OCR Fields now have their own default band in the column header named OCR.
Lasernet OCR Engine
Auto capture is a new feature to automatically capture OCR fields by using the OCR Dictionary and built-in AI.
Azure Storage
Fixed a critical issue that stops the Azure Storage module to save and read jobs on the last day of a leap year (December 31th 2020). End-users running Microsoft Dynamics 365 with the Lasernet Connector or an Azure Storage account must update the Lasernet Server to Lasernet 9.11 or higher before 31st December 2024.
Database Connection
Fixed an issue with connection testing for Azure SQL Server.
DM Upload
DM Upload module for Autoform DM are added to the Formpipe Lasernet installer and will replace the existing DM Archive module, which no longer will be supported from the next major version (Lasernet 10).
Google Cloud Printer
The Google Cloud Printer service is not longer supported by Google, from the end of 2020, and the module is therefore no longer available in Lasernet.
Outlook Mail
Added a possible workaround when Graph API incorrectly returns -1 as the number of attachments in the email header request.
Fixed an issue where the new access token was not used, after adding a new module when browsing for folders in the UI.
PDF Engine
Added support for Thai characters.
Tesseract OCR
New module released in the Input Management Package for optical character recognition.
Fixed an issue in Web Server -> Web Service byte array results from array results.
Added support for adding custom buttons to modules developed via SDK.
How to Get Support
If you encounter difficulty using Lasernet, contact us via the Create Ticket button in the support portal.