Edit Rearrange Properties
    • 12 Sep 2024
    • 16 Minutes to read
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    Edit Rearrange Properties

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    Article summary

    You can edit the properties of any rearrange by double-clicking it either in the input pane or output pane of Lasernet Form Editor. Alternatively, right-click it and choose the property you want to edit from the context menu.

    The following image shows you the Edit Rearrange dialog.

    The dialog is presented with several tabs. When calling a dialog by double-clicking the object, it opens with the Objects tab by default. Otherwise, it opens on the tab corresponding to the property you select in the context menu:



    Some properties are relevant to only some input types and output types.

    General Properties




    Toggles rearranges into active/inactive state. If a checkbox is selected, the rearrange is active and is normally processed. If the checkbox is cleared, the rearrange becomes inactive and, as a result, it is not processed or shown in the input or output.


    Even if a rearrange is hidden and not shown in the output, it is still listed in the Pattern and Rearranges dialog which you can access via Sheet > Patterns and Rearranges.

    Output object

    The logical name of the rearrange on the output page and the combined contents for all values of the input objects assigned to the same rearrange. This name can be used for referencing the rearrange in a criterion assigned to the other absolute rearranges or to conditional rearranges belonging to the same pattern or even for JavaScripts.


    A descriptive representation of an object.

    Master only

    If selected, the rearrange is only applied to the Master sheet and not on the child sheets (sheets inherit data from a Master sheet).


    Select the checkbox to prevent moving and resizing a rearrange.


    When selected, Lasernet assumes input as XHTML code and uses it to interpret the content of the document to display it in output. As a result, the Style Sheet tab becomes available in the Edit Rearrange dialog.

    Object Properties




    Several input rearranges can be combined into one single object on the output page.




    Add a fixed text, current time, current date, current date and time, JobInfo, Page x of y or Script to the rearrange.


    Delete the current rearrange.


    Detach the selected input rearrange(s) and copy the output settings to the new rearrange(s), including position.


    Sort rearranges by moving them up or down.

    Input object

    A logical name can be assigned to a rearrange. This name can be used for referencing the rearrange in a criterion assigned to the same/other absolute rearranges or conditional rearranges belonging to the same pattern or even for JavaScript; rearrange in a criterion assigned to other absolute rearranges or conditional rearranges belonging to the same pattern.


    Exact position of a rearrange on the input page defined by left/right columns and top/bottom rows (note: positioning can be carried out much faster by dragging-and-dropping).

    Selecting the Footer checkbox provides the possibility to position a rearrange in the footer of the input page; i.e. positioned relative to the end of the input conditional area. This is enabled by default when rearranges are created below a defined input conditional area and is only available for forms with text as input format.


    JavaScript to be executed within the rearrange e.g., data conversion, text trimming or more advanced functions.

    Once the checkbox is selected, more Script controls become available.

    Ignore object if no data is provided

    If the checkbox is active and there is no data (defined XPath is not present in the input data or value is empty), the rearrange is not processed and shown neither in the output, nor in the input. If the checkbox is not selected (default value), the rearrange is processed with an empty value.


    Even if a rearrange is hidden and not shown in the output, it is still listed in the Pattern and Rearranges dialog, which you can access via Sheet > Patterns and Rearranges.

    Run as first pass

    Has an effect on the event point execution time. By default the setting is turned off, which is the recommended setting in most scenarios, but by turning the setting on, you are able to accelerate execution time to run as the first pass in the processing of a form. The output result of the script will then be used when analyzing the number of pages and calculating text positioning on pages in the final form.

    Criteria Properties




    Includes Objects, Schedule, and JobInfos. For details, see Add Criteria to Form Objects.

    Instance Qualifiers

    You can use the Instance(s) qualifiers option when you work with conditional rearranges. For details, see Instance Qualifiers.

    Fonts Properties



    Style name

    Select to apply one of the predefined styles.


    Define font type, font size, color and formatting of the field on the output form.

    Formatting Substitution

    Shows a list of formatting substitution elements which you can include using the Add button. The rest of the command buttons allow you to manipulate the elements in the list: Edit, Move up, Move down, and Remove.

    For more details about formatting substitution elements, see Criteria-based Text Formatting.

    Formats Properties



    Format category

    Select one or more regional profiles and specify other format parameters. When several regional profiles are added at a time, you can define which regional profile is applied by setting criteria based on the JobInfo and/or Input data values. If the criteria are true for several regional profiles in the list, the first of the regional profiles is used. If no regional profile is added, the regional profile which is set in the form/sheet options is applied.

    If the Override form input format checkbox is not selected, the format set for the form is then applied; if the Override sheet output format checkbox is not selected, default sheet-level and JavaScript class sheet.regionalProfile take number one priority. If the Override sheet output format checkbox is selected, the local rearrange output format will take precedence.

    Both tabs become enabled when any value is selected from the Format category drop-down list, except String.

    Selecting the Override form input format checkbox enables, in its turn, the UTC Date and Time checkbox. Select the latter to define the format of input data as UTC date and time.


    Choose to insert a new line before or after the rearrange text on the output form. The option of substituting line breaks with spaces is also available.

    Trim Spaces

    Trim spaces either before or after the rearrange text. In contrast to this, “Whitespace on edges” trims the output (see below).

    Maximum value length

    Specify a maximum number of characters to be included in the output. Linefeeds are counted as characters for strings that contains multiple lines.


    Allows you to create a hyperlink. For details, see Turn Form Objects into Hyperlinks.

    Position Properties




    Defines on what page(s) the rearrange appears.


    Rearranges in the output conditional area have no selected boxes since the page is automatically determined by Lasernet.

    Position size type

    This property supports the following settings: Auto XY, Auto X, Auto Y and Manual.

    If you choose the Auto XY the text box on the output page will be generated automatically depending on the font type and font size and Lasernet will not insert any line breaks.

    In Auto X mode it is possible to define a maximum height. If the input contains more lines than will fit, Lasernet will hide any lines that would overflow the height.

    Auto Y enables you to specify a width. Lasernet will add line breaks automatically to create as many rows as is needed.

    The Manual setting provides the ability to create a custom sized text box on the output page by defining a maximum height and width.

    Position X/Y

    The exact position of the rearrange text field on the output page. You can manually adjust the position by entering values in the fields.

    Position Width / Height

    The width and height of the text box on the output page. These values cannot be changed when Lasernet is set to automatically calculate them i.e. Auto X/Y/XY.

    Rotation (degrees)

    The rotation angle of the text box on the output page. You can set the value in degrees.

    Rounding properties


    These properties are available only for rounded rectangles.

    Lasernet 10: Use Width ellipse and Height ellipse to specify the shape of the corner rounding.

    Lasernet 11: Use Width and Height to specify the shape of the corner rounding.

    Lasernet 11: Use the Left / top, Left / bottom, Right / top, and Right / bottom checkboxes to choose which corners the rounding is applied to. Unselected corners become 90-degree angles.

    Relative to

    This property allows you to set the position of a rearrange (both absolute and conditional) relative to other entities such as a conditional area or a region or a group.

    The following options are available in the drop-down list:

    Current conditional area progress (for conditional rearranges only) – locates the selected rearrange depending on settings of the conditional area and the pattern to which it belongs. Checkboxes of the Absolute group box are disabled. It is the default option for conditional rearranges.

    Top of page – locates the selected rearrange to the page top. It is a fixed position. Checkboxes for the Absolute group box are enabled. It is the default option for absolute rearranges. The Y position of rearrange is automatically set to 10 mm.

    Top of cond. area – sets the rearrange position relative to the top rearrange available in the conditional area. Checkboxes of the Absolute group box are enabled. Once the option is selected, the Conditional Area field is available. The Y position of the rearrange is automatically set to -10 mm. You can adjust the distance between the selected rearrange and the top conditional area rearrange by modifying the Y setting of the selected rearrange.

    Bottom of cond. area (Absolute) – sets the position of the rearrange relative to the last instance visible on the page and belonging to the current conditional area. Checkboxes for the Absolute group box are enabled. Once the option is selected, the Conditional Area field is available. The Y position of rearrange is automatically set to 10 mm. You can adjust the distance between the selected rearrange and the last instance of the conditional area rearrange by modifying the Y setting of the selected rearrange.

    Bottom of cond. area (Last row) – sets the position of the rearrange relative to the last instance of the conditional area. Checkboxes of the Absolute group box are disabled. Once the option is selected, the Conditional Area field is available. The Y position of rearrange is automatically set to 10 mm.

    End of cond. area (Absolute) – locates the rearrange relative to the end line of the conditional area on the selected absolute page(s). Checkboxes for the Absolute group box are enabled. Once the option is selected, the Conditional Area field is available. The Y position of rearrange is automatically set to 0 mm.

    End of cond. area (Last row) – locates the rearrange relative to the end line of the conditional area. Checkboxes for the Absolute group box are disabled. Once the option is selected, the Conditional Area field is available. The Y position of rearrange is automatically set to 10 mm.

    Top of region – sets the rearrange position relative to the top rearrange available in the region. Checkboxes for the Absolute group box are disabled. Once the option is selected, the Conditional Area and Region fields are available. In addition, the All pages checkbox appears. If the checkbox is selected, the rearrange is located relative to the top rearrange of the region on each page where the region is presented. The Y position of rearrange is automatically set to -5 mm.

    Bottom of region – sets the rearrange position relative to the bottom rearrange available in the region. Checkboxes of the Absolute group box are disabled. Once the option is selected, the Conditional Area and Region fields are available. The Y position of rearrange is automatically set to 5 mm.

    Top of group – sets the rearrange position relative to the top rearrange available in the group. Checkboxes for the Absolute group box are disabled. Once the option is selected, the Conditional Area, Region and Group fields are available. The Y position of rearrange is automatically set to -5 mm.

    Bottom of group – sets the rearrange position relative to the bottom rearrange available in the group. Checkboxes for the Absolute group box are disabled. Once the option is selected, the Conditional Area, Region and Group fields are available. The Y position of rearrange is automatically set to 5 mm.

    Hide output (for conditional rearranges only) – hides the rearrange from the output view.

    If all checkboxes in the Absolute group box are cleared for an absolute rearrange, the Relative to setting is changed to HIDDEN. Unhide by selecting absolute and it is disabled. To enable the Relative to setting, select at least one checkbox in the Absolute group box.

    If you locate conditional rearranges relative to a conditional area or a region, you do not have the option to specify these entities as these rearranges already belong to them. Otherwise, you are allowed specifying these entities for absolute rearranges. The group entity can be selected for both absolute and conditional rearranges as an entity relative to which you are going to locate rearranges.

    Hide if no output on page – selecting the checkbox allows hiding rearranges located relative to a conditional area in the output. The setting is useful if conditional data is distributed between several conditional areas. You can hide odd rearranges when data (patterns) within a conditional area in the output is not located on a page.

    The checkbox becomes available only if one of the following values are chosen from the Relative to drop-down list:

    • Top of cond. area.

    • Bottom of cond. area (Absolute).

    • End of cond. area (Absolute).

    Box vertical alignment

    The vertical alignment of the text box on the output page relative to the X/Y position. You can choose between Top, Middle and Bottom.

    Box horizontal alignment

    The horizontal alignment of the text box on the output page relative to the X/Y position. You can choose between Left, Center and Right.

    Text horizontal alignment

    The horizontal alignment of the text within the text box. The text can be aligned as Left, Center, Right and Justified.

    Text vertical alignment

    The vertical alignment of the text within the text box. The text can be aligned as Top, Middle or Bottom.

    Font Point Size

    If Font Point Size is selected, the largest possible text between the minimum and maximum size will be applied.


    This feature is supported for Rearranges and Conditional Rearranges with size type set to either

    Auto Y or Manual.


    Processing time might increase slightly when the Font Point Size settings are applied.

    This setting only applies to individual objects. Merging objects will disable it.

    Whitespace on edges (Pad) options will be disabled if this setting is used.

    This setting overrides the font size in the toolbar

    Font Width Scale

    If Font Width Scale is selected, the optimal scale to fit the most text, between the minimum and maximum percentage values, will be applied.


    This feature is supported for Rearranges and Conditional Rearranges with size type set to either

    Auto Y or Manual.


    Processing time might increase slightly when the Font Width Scale settings are applied.

    This setting only applies to individual objects. Merging objects will disable it.

    Whitespace on edges (Pad) options will be disabled if this setting is used.

    Line height

    The line height can either be set as Absolute or Relative. In Absolute mode it is possible to define a specific line height in millimetres. In Relative mode the line height will be defined automatically based on the chosen font type and size.

    Absolute empty line height

    Enables you to define a specific line height in millimetre for empty lines. Select the checkbox and type in the height.


    Set this value to 0 to remove any empty lines and make the output compact.


    Specifies how instances are handled when letters do not fit within the rearrange box in the horizontal direction. This happens in Auto Y and Manual mode when a word is too long that it cannot fit alone on a line.

    Force Line Break cuts the word as late as possible and then inserts a new line with the rest of the word.

    Truncate cuts the word as late as possible and hides the rest of the word.

    Overflow (default) allows the word to continue outside of the box.

    In all cases outside overflow handling, the word is placed on a new line first to give it as much space as possible.


    Vertical overflow is handled by Auto XY/Auto Y (allowing any height) or Auto X/Manual (restricting height)

    Keep rows together

    When the checkbox is selected, Lasernet keeps all the lines of the selected column of rearranges for a pattern together on the same page.


    The option is only available for conditional rearranges.

    No word wrapping

    When the checkbox is selected, Lasernet does not add line breaks at spaces, hyphens, etc. when formatting the text. This setting has no impact on Auto X and Auto XY modes since these do not add implicit line breaks.

    The actual appearance of the text in the rearrange, if Prevent implicit line breaks is checked, depends on what is selected in the Overflow control:

    • Force Line Break cuts the input line at the edge of the rearrange box and inserts as many new lines as required to fit the rest of the input line into the box.

    • Truncate cuts the input line at the edge of the rearrange box and hides the rest of the line.

    • Overflow allows the input line to continue outside of the box.

    Widow/orphan control

    When the checkbox is selected, Lasernet avoids putting one or more paragraph-ending lines at the top of a page (widows) and leaving one or more paragraph-starting lines at the bottom of a page (orphans). You can set the number of lines to be considered widow/orphan.


    The option is only available for conditional rearranges.

    Whitespace on edges

    How whitespace is handled on the left and right edges of the output rearrange. The Before and After columns refer to the left and right rearrange edge respectively.

    Trim (default) removes all edge whitespace, shrinking the output rearrange box as much as possible.

    Pad inserts one or more characters, usually periods or hyphens from the rearrange contents to the edge.

    Keep makes sure that no whitespace is removed, making the output more accurately reflect the input.


    This option retains whitespace introduced by automatic new-lines and can be useful when used in conjunction with background and border (see below). When merging several rearranges of the input to the same output line, use the trim setting (described above) to remove any extra spaces.

    Border Properties

    Background and border

    These options make it is possible to add an optional background color or surrounding rectangle to the text. A margin can be specified (in millimetres) from the text to the edge of the rectangle.


    When selecting, positioning, and resizing the rearrange, the normal (inner) box must be used rather than the surrounding (outer) margin.


    When multiple rearranges with defined background colors overlap, the order in which they are layered is important. The last rearrange to be created is drawn on the top, hiding the rearrange below. The order can be changed by right-clicking a rearrange and selecting an option from the Order submenu.

    In addition, it is possible to add a border to the selected rearrange. To do this, select the Border checkbox to activate the other controls. You are allowed setting border thickness, color, as well as show borders (Left, Top, Right, Bottom) by selecting the required checkboxes.

    Style Sheet Properties

    Use the Style Sheet tab to add CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for the current XHTML rearrange using the internal way which stands for a <style> element.

    The style added here for the current XHTML rearrange overwrites the one defined for all XHTML rearranges on the Style Sheet tab of the Sheet Options dialog (for more information, see Sheet Options).

    The style defined on this tab is overwritten by CSS added to HTML elements inline, if any.

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