Criteria-based Text Formatting
    • 20 Jun 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Criteria-based Text Formatting

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    Article summary

    Use the Formatting substitution section on the Fonts tab of the Edit Rearrange dialog box to add one or more formatting substitution elements based on the specified criteria (objects, schedule, and/or JobInfos).


    Font formatting substitution is relevant to EMF-based output only.

    You can define and further manipulate criteria using the command buttons on the Criteria tab of the Edit Font Formatting Substitution dialog box.

    Use the General tab controls to specify font settings for criterion/criteria you have defined. A font setting becomes available for editing when a corresponding font setting check box is selected.

    The Allow further matching checkbox allows you to make the process of font formatting substitution more flexible. When you have more than one formatting substitution element in the Formatting substitution list, and those elements have certain criteria which are matched, the font substitution settings can be applied or ignored depending on the status of this checkbox. The topmost formatting substitution element that possesses matching criterion/criteria is processed and the specified font settings are applied. After this, if the Allow further matching checkbox is selected, then the next element which has matching criterion/criteria will be processed, and so on until the end of the list.

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