Add Dynamic Elements to a Sheet
    • 13 Dec 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read
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    Add Dynamic Elements to a Sheet

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    Article summary

    Use the insert text tool to add dynamic elements (such as current date, current time, a JobInfo value, or the output of a script) to the form design. To activate the tool, click the Text button in the toolbar.

    You can add the following types of dynamic element.

    Element type


    Current time

    Displays the current time.

    Current date

    Displays the current date.

    Current date and time

    Displays both the current time and current date.


    Inserts the value of a JobInfo.

    Page x of y

    Inserts page numbering on the output pages where x = current page number and y = total number of pages. For example, ‘Page 3 of 5’


    Inserts a script on the output form for execution.

    The Run as first pass option is used in advanced setups and is explained in detail in the Form Engine chapter of the Lasernet Developer guide.


    The method for adding dynamic elements to a form design depends on the form’s output data format.


    Dynamic elements can be also added to an existing rearrange by clicking the Add button below the object list (on the Objects page of the Edit Rearrange or Edit XML Rearrange window).


    Follow the steps that correspond to the form’s output data format:

    Forms that generate EMF-based output

    Click the Text button, then click in the form design area to choose where to position the dynamic element.

    Next, right-click the text in the form design, then click Objects. Then modify the Object type of the item in the Objects list.

    Current Time

    If Current time is selected, the system time will be printed using the chosen format:

    hh = hours

    mm = minutes

    ss = seconds

    zzz = milliseconds

    h:m:s ap = time in am / pm format

    Current Date

    If Current date is selected, the system date will be printed using the chosen format:

    dd = day

    MM = Month in two digits

    MMM = Short text for month (Jan, Feb, Mar etc.)

    MMMM = Full text for month

    yy = Year in two digits

    yyyy = year in four digits

    Current Date and Time

    For more information about the date and time formats, see the Current Date and Current Time sections above.


    A JobInfo is inserted in the output page. Select the desired JobInfo from the dropdown box or enter the name of a custom JobInfo that has been created. For example, use the JobInfo named FileName to include the filename of the job on the form.

    Page x of y

    Selecting Page x of y will append page numbers to the print job. The format can be specified using the variables below:

    %1 = the number of the current page

    %2 = the total number of pages

    You can add or change the text in the format field or localize it for foreign languages.


    Selecting Script as the text type provides you with the flexibility of using predefined scripts to perform advanced functions, e.g., calculating the sum of a rearrange value, converting a date and much more.

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