    • 16 Aug 2024
    • 3 Minutes to read
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    Article summary

    The Validate functionality can be found in the Tools group of the Setup ribbon. It enables users to validate a report and show errors - if any - in the Infolog.

    To use Validate, follow these steps:

    1. Select a report from the list.

    2. Click Validate in the Tools group of the Setup ribbon.

    The validation process uses the following criteria:



    Related sources

    Checks if a parent exists and if a parent is a report data source or another related source. Checks if a source name does not conflict with a report build-in source name.

    Checks if a related table exists and has relation fields specified.

    Checks if relation fields exist and if at least one part of the relation is a field name.

    Style sheet for SSRS XML transformation

    Checks if Style sheet is specified.

    Checks if XSL has any compilation errors and tries to run it against an empty document.

    Elements of report

    Checks if an element name and an output name are specified. Checks if an element section exists (if an element is in the existing section).

    Checks if NoOutput property is on an element.

    Validates an element value and checks if valid sources and values are used in the value formula.

    Mapped values

    Account Number validation: checks if valid sources and values are used in the value formula.

    Group validation: checks if valid sources and values are used in the value formula.

    Document ID validation: checks if valid sources and values are used in the value formula.

    Order ID validation: checks if valid sources and values are used in the value formula.

    Archive journal table validation: checks if valid sources and values are used in the value formula.

    File name values from code: check if valid sources and values are used in the value formula.

    File paths

    Checks if a preview folder is specified and exists.

    Checks if the XML output folder is specified and exists.

    If Archive PDF folder is specified, checks if it exists.

    If Archive XML folder is specified, checks if it exists.

    Destination setup

    Checks an account relation on destination (whether a cust account exists if it has been specified).

    Checks if the AccountNum and GroupId reports are mapped, if needed. Validates e-mail/fax/custom code values, and checks if valid sources and values are used in the value formula.

    Validates destination types, and checks if all mandatory fields for that specific destination type are filled in.


    Contains year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.


    A container is a dynamic list of items containing primitive data types and/or some composite data types.


    A number of characters.


    Is used for encoding HTML within the XML document.

    Base46 file

    Base 64 coded field.

    Resolve labels

    By selecting this option, it is possible to make a label translation for a field containing a label. For example, it can be a field from the LogisticsAddressCountryRegionTranslation table. The LongName and ShortName fields in this table contain a label.


    A globally unique identifier.


    Represents a 64-bit signed integer.


    Contains hours, minutes, and seconds.

    Azure storage

    URL from or to Azure Storage.

    Email address

    Allows defining mail recipients.

    It is possible to select several recipients by clicking the button available next to the field or typing email addresses directly in the field and separating them by commas.


    Allows defining mail carbon copy recipients.

    It is possible to select several recipients by clicking the button available next to the field or typing email addresses directly in the field and separating them by commas.


    Allows defining mail blind carbon copy recipients.

    It is possible to select several recipients by clicking the button available next to the field.


    Email subjects can be defined with various Dynamics 365 fields combined with static text. It is possible to have more subjects if needed. To customize this option, click the button on the right. As a result, the value selector opens. For more details, see the Mail Subject and Body section on the Destinations page.

    On dialog

    There are two values for this drop-down combo box.

    Default: enables changing the email subject and body.

    Fixed: disables customizing an email.


    Email bodies can be defined with various Dynamics 365 fields combined with static text.

    It is possible to have more body texts if needed. To customize this option, click the button on the right. As a result, the value selector opens. For more details, see the Mail Subject and Body section on the Destinations page.

    What's Next
    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.