User Interface
    • 07 Jan 2025
    • 3 Minutes to read
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    User Interface

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    Article summary

    This overview will help you to quickly familiarise yourself with the main interface components in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.


    For recommended further reading about Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, please visit the Microsoft portal. Formpipe is not responsible for any external content.

    Login Screen

    When you open Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations in your browser for the first time, the login screen appears.

    Start Screen

    The start screen, or landing page, is displayed after you log in: this is your home or default page.

    Navigation Pane

    The navigation pane on the left side of the window displays icons for options and commands that will take you to your desired pages from the main area.

    • To expand the navigation pane, click the hamburger menu icon. You can also pin it to keep it open.    

    • The Home button will take you back to the default landing page.

    • You can add menu options or items to your Favorites list: to do so, click the star icon on the right of each menu option on the user interface. To see your Favorites list, click the Favorites button, the third on the navigation pane.

    • The Recent button opens a list of all the menu links recently visited by the user.

    • Click the Workspaces button to see a list of all the workspaces available on Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. The workspaces are also displayed as tiles on the start screen.

    • The Modules button opens a list of all the modules on the platform in alphabetical order. Each module contains an area page: each one is expandable and contains various menu item links, which lead to different pages.

     Navigation Bar

    The navigation bar on top of your screen contains various options and displays the path you follow while you navigate the application.

    • The application's logo is on the far left. Clicking the logo takes you back to the home dashboard.

    • To the right of the logo, you can find the Company picker button, which displays the acronym of the company name. You can click it to choose a different company or legal entity.

    • The Search tool lets you search for any item within the application.

    • The Notifications button opens a tab on the right of the screen where system messages and notifications are displayed.

    • The Feedback button takes you to a wizard where you can leave feedback and comments on Finance and Operations.

    • The Settings button lets you access the User options, Task recorder, Mobile app, and Personalization pages.

    • Click the Help and Support button if you want to access content that might help you while you use the application or you want to request support.

    • The icon that displays the initials of the user's name indicates who is currently logged in. Click this button to change user accounts.


    • The Menu bar includes direct commands (such as Edit, New, Delete), as well as items that open in a list below.

    • The Action pane sits below the menu bar and it is the site where the items from the menu bar are opened. Depending on which menu item is selected, the action pane will present different groups of commands. Each command leads to either a new page, a wizard, or another set of options.

    • To the right of the menu bar, you can find a number of buttons, among which are Power Apps, Open in Microsoft Office, Attachments, Refresh, LASERNET infolog, Open in new window, and Close.

    List Pages

    Most pages in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations are list pages. These contain master data, which can be read, as well as modified and updated. Users can also create new master data and delete existing ones.

    Filter Pane

    A common feature is the filter pane. Click the funnel icon on the top left of the page, below the action pane, to present various options to refine your search. You can either use the default filter or click the downward arrow next to it to select one of the predefined ones. You can also add multiple filter fields.


    A FastTab is a type of page that contains several expandable sections that can be either opened one at a time or kept open at the same time. Each section presents different fields that provide information about the specific item the user is working on. Most fields allow the user to personalize the item through various options.

    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.