Upgrade to Version
    • 12 Sep 2024
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    Upgrade to Version

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    Article summary

    XML Transformer Forms Configuration

    In order to support the new features in version, changes need to be made to the Lasernet Configuration. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Open your Lasernet Configuration. If in doubt, refer to this guide.

    2. Select Forms.

    1. Open the JobInfo Scanner XML Transformer Form.

    1. Select the action Create JobInfos, right-click, and select Copy.

    1. Change the settings to match the following image:

    1. Save and Close the form.

    2. Open General Transformation for all forms.

    1. Locate and open the Action MoveMailBody to PrintRequestControl Section and change the settings to match the following image:

    1. Save and Close the form.

    Modifiers Configuration

    To set up the modifiers configuration, follow these steps:

    1. Select Modifiers.

    1. Create a Base64 modifier and name it "Base64Decoder". Ensure the Direction is Base64 Decoder.

    1. Close the Modifier.

    Scripts Configuration

    1. Select Scripts.

    1. Add a new script according to the following image:

    // Add attachment to Lasernet Email
    function addAttachments()
          var count = job.getJobInfoCount('FullFilename');
          for (idx = 0; idx < count ; idx++)
                      job.setJobInfo('MailAttachmentFilename', job.getJobInfo('FullFilename', idx), false);
                      job.setJobInfo('TempFileData', job.getJobInfo('FileData', idx));
                      modifiers\['Base64Decoder'\].run(job, 'TempFileData', 'TempMailAttachment');
                      job.setJobInfoBinary('MailAttachment', job.getJobInfoBinary('TempMailAttachment'), false);
    1. Save and Close the script.

    Modules Configuration

    To set up the module’s configuration, follow these steps:

    1. Select Modules.

    1. Open the XML Transformer Engine.

    1. Select Exit Modifier from the top menu.

    1. Select Add, and for Type, select the Script radio button.

    1. Select Edit and then add the new script function: addAttachments()

    1. Close all forms.

    2. Commit and Deploy the configuration.

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