Turn Form Objects into Hyperlinks
    • 20 Jun 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Turn Form Objects into Hyperlinks

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    Article summary


    Turning form objects into hyperlinks is relevant to EMF-based output only.

    Select the Formats tab to create a hyperlink. Once the Active check box is selected, the Hyperlink tab becomes enabled, and you can enter any URL into the Address field.

    This functionality is useful only if you are going to generate a PDF document as a result of processing of the current sheet.

    You can insert an embedded JobInfo as a part of the hyperlink to include a dynamic value as a part of the URL.

    To insert the value of the current rearrange as a part of the hyperlink, activate script and type on the Objects tab:

    setJobInfo("InvoiceID", CurrentRearrange.text);


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