Testing Considerations
    • 09 Oct 2024
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    Testing Considerations

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    Article summary

    Compare Replacement Reports with No Journal

    A limitation exists when using Test checkpoints with some reports in standard Dynamics 365 FO. Reports such as Sales invoices, Sales confirmations, and Purchase orders have a journal record, which ensures the possibility of using Force rerun when re-sending a document.

    Some reports, such as the Customer account statement, do not have a journal record. Therefore, the usage data (last values) is used to store the required data. When running a Test checkpoint for the Customer account statement report, the latest execution (usage data/last values) is used to find the required data needed to run the report from scratch, which may cause unintended errors in the test results. The following example illustrates this issue.


    The following date was used when preparing the checkpoint for the Customer account statement report:

    When running the test for this checkpoint, a message is displayed to let the user know the test has passed:

    However, if the report is run and the usage data for the date is updated after the checkpoint is created but before the test is run, then the test will display an error because the date is different from the date in the checkpoint.


    The usage data (last values) is saved per user. Therefore, results may vary depending on the user running the test for the checkpoint.

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