- Print
This page lists all Temenos releases, starting with the most recent. Each release includes new features, enhancements, fixes, and a link to the Release Notes page (where available).
Temenos 4
Release date: 7th July 2022
NOFILE servlet supports multiple backend.
Release date: 27th August 2020
Document Download Servlet fails to identify content type for msg files.
Release date: 22nd May 2020
New version of the NoFile Enquiry for R20 (Java L3) compatibility.
Improvements to the Document Upload integration for better flexibility.
Added obfuscation for logging of properties containing passwords.
Release date: 29th January 2020
This version requires Log4J 1.2.12+.
Default format for tif image conversion has been changed from jpg to png for improved compatibility.
Added support for auditing information to Document Download (AUTOFORM DM 9.0+ only).
Improved Image Enquiry response handling to ensure requests and temporary files are correctly cleaned up.
Temenos 4.3.5
Release date: 1st March 2019
This version requires Log4J 1.2.12+
Fixed bug with PrintPreview setting servlet property in such a way it breaks T24 filters. Fixed issue with special characters in DM credentials breaking requests.
Temenos 4.3.4
Release date: 25th September 2018
This version requires Log4J 1.2.12+.
Fixed issue with TIFF files downloading as 0kb files.
Improved plugin registration for ImageIO handlers.
Temenos 4.3.3
Release date: 15th August 2018
This version requires Log4J 1.2.12+.
Update SDD to handle custom filename.
Add support for image conversion to Document Download Interfaces, improved EDGE components logging and updated legal licence information.
Temenos 4.3.2
Release date: 16th May 2018
Allow more flexible print preview enquiry names.
Temenos 4.3.1
Release date: 5th December 2017
This version introduces a requirement for Java 7+ due to the usage of ImageIO libraries.
Fixed security vulnerability in commons fileupload library.
Fixed tiff to JPG image conversion in dataservlet when viewing images from DM.
Updated AUTOFORM EMBED component to do tiff to jpg conversion
Temenos 4.3.0
Release date: 31st August 2017
This version includes a BrowserWeb alternative to the Secure Document Download that does not depend on tocfee.ear
Fixed RuntimeException - missing file in document upload
Improved Edge component failure behavior
Temenos 4.2.0
Release date: 22nd February 2017
A new integration (Document Upload) is introduced for Browser.
Change request for photo service script
Update print preview to make use of multiple threaded input ports
Edge jars do not deploy in JBoss - Invalid signature file digest
Implement Document Upload
Update DocumentUploadRule to stream the data
Temenos 4.1.7
Release date: 27th September 2016
Different custom.js functions on the wiki and in interface packs
Temenos 4.1.6
Release date: 5th August 2016
Implicit request method causes issues on WebLogic
Get browser interfaces building under java 1.5
Print Preview fails on WebLogic
Temenos 4.1.5
Release date: 24th June 2016
(Print Preview) Fixes security vulnerability with leaked Lasernet endpoint credentials.
Temenos 4.1.4
Release date: 15th June 2016
(Print Preview) Change log4j dependency to lowest common denominator
Temenos 4.1.3
Release date: 19th April 2016
Generate integration fails for empty DataItems
Temenos 4.1.2
Release date: 13th April 2016
Lasernet Connec tionTimeout in documented as seconds, but it is interpreted in milliseconds. Affects Print Preview and Generate
Please be aware that this introduces a dependency on Log4J 1.2.12+, version 4.1.4+ removes the dependency.
Fix issue with services meta-data not reflecting shaded class location
Temenos 4.1.0
Release date: 3rd December 2015
Fixes and Improvements
SDD no longer returns dummy PDF when there is no DM connection
Print preview to return any document type
Update SDD to allow multiple environment configuration
Investigate if properties files can be stored outside the jar files
Update password encryption algorithm
Edge should not have plain text password for DM in config
With this upgrade, make sure the tcserver.xml for the SDD does not have a value for download path unless required for multiple DM use: <DOWNLOAD_PATH></DOWNLOAD_PATH> - please see the configuration for details on connecting to multiple DM servers
Temenos 4.0.1
Release date: 29th September 2015
Fixes and Improvements
Issues with image resize quality in DataServlet
Data servlet does not resize images as expected when both width and height are specified
Temenos 4.0
Release date: 9th September 2015
Image conversion (Tif to JPEG) is now part of DataServlet and may be removed from the DM server, anyone relying on image conversion should ensure they upgrade to this release.
Fixes and Improvements
Add a default error img to the DataServlet Project
Lasernet connection validation errors not clear
Change interfaces to be compiled by Java 5
PrintPreview - Retry logic should include connection selection
Adds the ability for DataServlet to resize images on the fly, as well as do Tiff to JPEG conversion
Temenos 3
Temenos 3.12
Release date: 24th July 2015
Fixes and Improvements
Improve failure behaviour of SDD
Interfaces should have retry behaviour
It should be possible to authenticate Print Preview requests
Print preview - “Method not allowed” at BTMU
Temenos 3.11
Release date: 12th May 2015
Fixes and Improvements
Multiple custom rules within the same project are getting mixed up configuration tabs
Temenos 3.10
Release date: 5th May 2015
Fixes and Improvements
Fixed an issue where edge dependencies were included in EMBED package
Made EMBED content type dynamic
Temenos 3.9
Release date: 30th April 2015
Fixes and Improvements
Rebranding of components
Temenos 3.8
Release date: 29th April 2015
Fixes and Improvements
Minor documentation updates
Temenos 3.7
Release date: 22nd April 2015
Fixes and Improvements
SDD only returning partial PDFs due to unknown fault in streaming
Removed references to environmental variable EFS_T24_DONT_STREAM_RESPONSES as no longer streaming to client
Added environmental variable EFS_T24_KEEP_TEMP_FILES which can be used to retain temporary files for analysis
Temenos 3.6
Release date: 21st April 2015
Fixes and Improvements
Added EdgeConnect components
Temenos 3.4
Release date: 14th April 2015
Fixes and Improvements
Fixed packaging issue affecting 3.3
Temenos 3.3
Release date: 10th April 2015
Fixes and Improvements
Improve memory efficiency. Added environmental property EFS_T24_DONT_STREAM_RESPONSES which will use temporary files if it has a value.
Precompile NOFILE routine jar (with eclipse) for use with TAFJ modelbank
Add misc files to project so that they are deployed to artifactory
Temenos 3.2
Release date: 17th March 2015
Fixes and Improvements
SDD picking up DM configuration from NOFILE integration
Temenos 3.1
Release date: 11th March 2015
Fixes and Improvements
Fixed an issue with Print Preview not including all values in xml
Temenos 3.0
Release date: 9th March 2015
Fixes and Improvements
Fix PrintPreview packaging which meant not all dependencies were shaded correctly (ie commons-io and commons-lang3 jars were still required)
Temenos 2
Temenos 2.24
Release date: 1st February 2015
We no longer package based on T24 version . Note that from this version on, the NOFILE, SDD and DataServlet integrations require DM 7.2.19
Large rewrite, removing all dependencies. Interfaces are now single jar solutions.
Temenos 2.23
Release date: 23rd January 2015
Package missing.
Fixes and Improvements
Added JBoss EAP 6.1 support (created modules structure and removed dependency on Spring)
Temenos 2.22
Release date: 24th November 2014
Packaged as 14.0.6-MB
Note that from this version on, the NOFILE enquiry will require DM 7.2.17.
Fixes and Improvements
Print preview response being committed in filter chain
Move NoFileServlet into DM
Adding parameter for 'K2 Batch ID' to the DM Search breaks the NOFILE enquiry
Temenos 2.21
Release date: 30th October 2014
Packaged as 14.0.5-MB.
Fixes and Improvements
Additional fix to make file fetch hint optional and remove OutOfMemory errors
Make jasypt encryption not crash interface when not in use
Temenos 2.20
Release date: 29th October 2014
Packaged as 14.0.4-MB.
Fixes and Improvements
File Type (extension) not being returned to T24 from DM
Also resolves an issue with NOFILE returning the whole file unnecessarily
Temenos 2.19
Release date: 28th October 2014
Packaged as 14.0.3-MB.
Fixes and Improvements
Created Print Preview test war
Removed Print Preview's dependancy on common.
Temenos 2.18
Release date: 7th October 2014
Packaged as 14.0.2-MB.
Fixes and Improvements
Added ability to encrypt credentials on filesystem.
Temenos 2.17
Release date: 29th July 2014
Packaged as 14.0.1-MB.
Fixes and Improvements
NOFILE Servlet should be configurable to expect requests from multiple sources
Temenos 2.16
Release date: 18th July 2014
Package missing.
Fixes and Improvements
Added test servlet for new TOCF based ISP integration
Temenos 2.15
Release date: 18th July 2014
Package missing.
Fixes and Improvements
Added new TOCF based ISP integration
Temenos 2.13
Release date: 9th May 2014
Packaged as 14.0.0-MB.
Fixes and Improvements
Print Preview not waiting for pool to refill
Temenos 2.12
Release date: 5th March 2014
Packaged as 13.0.1-TAFC.
Fixes and Improvements
Print preview 2.11 not working
Temenos 2.11
Release date: 22nd January 2014
Packaged as 13.0.0-TAFC.
Fixes and Improvements
Interfaces Cannot add Spring to web.xml (Print Preview no longer depends on spring)
Add connection pooling to Print Preview
Support for conversion of Asian (and potentially other) characters in print preview
Temenos 2.10
Release date: 31st October 2013
Packaged as 12.1.5.
Fixes and Improvements
NOFILE routine and java code using different FM/VM delimiters
Temenos 2.9
Release date: 18th October 2013
Packaged as 12.1.4.
Contains changes for the print preview to support the Signature Application
Fixes and Improvements
Modify PrintPreview so that it can be used for one-way requests
Javascript for Signature Capture process should generate a unique correlation id
Temenos 2.8
Release date: 27th August 2013
Packaged as 12.1.3.
Fixes and Improvements
Since upgrading to 12.1.2 java process is constantly running at 50%
Temenos 2.7
Release date: 25th July 2013
Packaged as 12.1.2.
Fixes and Improvements
Internet browser not showing French characters after install of T24 interfaces
Temenos 2.6
Release date: 12th June 2013
Packaged as 12.1.1.
Print Preview is now included as part of the whole interface bundle
Fixes and Improvements
Integrate the Print Preview into the main project
Implement failover for LaserNet requests
Update Branding
Add parameter passing from the original button to LaserNet
Allow configuration of the NoFileServlet with the server address where the NOFILE Enquiry is executed
Temenos 2.5
Release date: 11th April 2013
Started packaging based on the T24 version.
Packaged as 12.1.0.
Fixes and Improvements
Connection refused error in NoFile caused by hardcoded PDMNoFileServlet location
Temenos 2.4
Release date: 27th March 2013
Fixes and Improvements
Error deploying both NoFile and the DataServlet at the same time
Temenos 2.3
Release date: 16th January 2013
NOFILE Enquiry is now included as part of the whole interface bundle. See the old NOFILE Change log for past versions
Fixes and Improvements
Rewrite NOFILE against Webservices v2
Improve the debugging of the routine that executes the NO FILE enquiry
Rewritten NO FILE interface not working on R12.1
Temenos 2.2
Release date: 12th June 2012
Fixes and Improvements
Spaces in ISP-based enquiries facilitated by using
Temenos 2.1
Release date: 18th April 2012
Fixes and Improvements
R12 compatibility
Configuration of wait period and number of retries when a document is not found (in common jar, spring-services.xml)
Remove excessive webservice logging
Temenos 2.0
Release date: 6th December 2011
Fixes and Improvements
Large rewrite against new PDM Webservices v2
Configuration now different - see docs
Performance hit on first query, but then faster than old versions of interface
Better logging to see what is going on
Timing information in the logs to identify slow points
Troubleshooting section on doc page
Unit tested to the hilt
Temenos 1
Temenos 1.8
Release date: 31st Oct 2013
Fixes and Improvements
Updated PDMInputStreamProvider to implement extra overload (method) needed for R12 (and potentially other versions)
Temenos 1.7
Release date: 15th Nov 2010
Fixes and Improvements
Added support for multiple query parameters
pdm.properties must be updated
Temenos 1.6
Release date: 8th Oct 2010
Fixes and Improvements
Removed redundant PDM Web Service client classes that are in the pdmwebsvc-client.jar
Temenos 1.5
Release date: 8th Oct 2010
Fixes and Improvements
Failed TeamCity build
Temenos 1.4
Release date: 5th Oct 2010
Fixes and Improvements
Modified to look for the pdm.properties file on the classpath instead in the directory specified by the catalina.base environment variable
Temenos 1.3
Release date: 18th May 2010
Fixes and Improvements
Issue with NullPointerException when downloading a file from PDM when using with older versions of PDM
Temenos 1.2
Release date: 18th May 2010
Fixes and Improvements
Modified so the Secure Document Download and Image Enquiry use different query strings in the pdm.properties file
Uses different PDM Web Service method so there is no limit on the size of the file being downloaded
TIF files that are downloaded are converted to JPG before they are returned