    • 07 Jan 2025
    • 2 Minutes to read
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    Article summary

    This section presents various setup pages used to configure the Lasernet Integration.

    Unless otherwise noted, most pages can be accessed by using the Search functionality. To this end, on the quick access toolbar available in the top right-hand corner of the application, click the Search icon and start typing the name of the page you want to access. As you start typing in your query, the system provides you with suggestions. Once you select the desired option, the page is displayed.

    In addition, frequently used Lasernet-related pages are grouped into a logical structure presented by categories for ease of reference. You can access them via the Lasernet Document Management page.

    Lasernet Setup

    Lasernet Setup enables you to set up your connection to the Lasernet Server. You can choose to use either File System or Azure technology to exchange the XML file that Lasernet Connector has generated with report data and business logic. You also have the option to enable the Archive function in a central place for all reports. You can also control which Lasernet Option will cause the report to be archived. For example, you can disable archiving when using Preview to screen.

    General FastTab

    Connector Interface: Choose whether to use Azure technologies or File system (only on-prem). Settings such as Azure Service Bus or file path are defined within Interface settings.

    Archive Type: Currently, it is only possible to save the PDF within Business Central.

    Interface Settings

    Connection String: A full string to access the current storage blob.

    Account Container: Choose a container for exported XML files.

    Connection String: A full string to access the current service bus.

    Queue Name: Choose the Queue name for the service bus.

    Default Languages

    Local Language Code for Documents: Used for translations in Lasernet. The local language is used if a Language Code is not specified on the Foreign Trade FastTab on Customer/Vendor Cards. Language Code is set when creating sales/purchase documents.

    English Language Code for Documents: Used for translations in Lasernet. English is used if a Language Code is not specified on the Foreign Trade FastTab on Customer/Vendor Cards.

    Lasernet Archive Setup

    Lasernet Archive Setup enables users to choose archiving settings in a central place for all reports. You also have the option to enable the Archive function in a central place for all reports. You can also control what Lasernet Option will cause the report to be archived. For example, you can disable archiving when using Preview to screen.

    Print Method: Choose what type of Lasernet Option you want to control. If empty, it will be all Lasernet Options.

    Archive: Enable or disable the Archive function for the current Print Method.

    Lasernet Attachment Setup

    In Lasernet Attachment Setup, you can enable attachments in a central place for all reports.

    Active: Enable or disable the Attachments.

    Attachment Type: Currently, only Base64 Text is available. This will embed the attachment into the XML file as a Base64 string.

    Language Code: This is the Language Code used in the record to which the file should be attached. If empty, it applies to all languages.

    Use for Document Attachment: This will add documents that are attached to BC's documents via the Attachments menu.

    Used For Fixed Attachments: This will add fixed attachments that are added in the Fixed Attachments column.

    Fixed Attachments: Select the number of files to be added as fixed attachments.

    Save to PDF: Enable or disable attachments when using BC internal Email account.

    Send E-mail: Enable or disable attachments when using Lasernet Email account.

    What's Next
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