How Do I Set Up and Connect to a Client via an Azure Hybrid Connection?
    • 12 Jul 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    How Do I Set Up and Connect to a Client via an Azure Hybrid Connection?

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    Article summary

    This article explains the process of how to set up and connect to a client via an Azure Hybrid Connection. Follow these steps:

    1. Open Azure and create a relay.

    2. Click Hybrid Connections.

    1. Click the Add Hybrid Connection button.

    1. Once you have created your Hybrid Connection,  the following page is displayed. Click Shared access policies.

    1. Click Add to create a new policy and ensure the Manage checkbox is cleared.

    After it has been created, you will be able to see the “Shared access policy” displayed in the Policy box.

    1. Click the policy to open a menu on the right side. Copy the Primary Connection String. It should start with Endpoint=sb://Relay-Name.

    1. Log into Lasernet Developer and create a module for an Azure Hybrid Connection.

    2. Paste the Connection String into the Connection String field. Ensure your Target URI looks similar to the following image:

    1. After the Connection String has been saved,  navigate to the Servers section under Tools, click the server that you are using for the Lasernet Developer, and ensure the Client tab is configured correctly.

    1. Open Client (if this is your first time opening the Client, a popup window will appear) and add an instance.

    2. When the Options window appears, ensure you are viewing the Client tab.

    3. Select Hybrid Azure Connection and paste the Connection string into the field.

    4. Click the Test button to test the connection, and you should get a popup saying the connection was successful.

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