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Enter a Serial Number from the Report as Finished and Put Away Mobile Device Menu Item
The Lasernet FO Connector functionality provides an option to show and edit/scan a serial number when using the RAF (Report as Finished) and putaway functionality on the Warehouse Mobile Device app.
Standard Dynamics 365 neither shows nor allows editing/entering the serial number. However, the ability to do so can be useful in situations where a “produced product” already has a serial number that should be used. For example, a pre-printed serial number for the product or an existing “label”.
Configuration Changes
This feature can be set up for a mobile app user by navigating to Warehouse management > Setup > Mobile device > Mobile device menu items.
For the Show serial number field to be displayed within the Lasernet - License plate label setup FastTab, the Mobile device menu item must have the Work creation process field set to Report as finished and put away.
The Serial field will be available in the Warehouse Mobile Device app once the Show serial number checkbox is selected in the Mobile device menu item.
Mobile Device Emulator
Standard Dynamics 365 FO provides an emulator for the Warehouse Mobile Device app that uses the same functionality as the Warehouse Mobile Device app, but runs in the normal Dynamics 365 FO browser session. This emulator can be used for testing purposes.
You can start the Warehouse management mobile app emulator by entering a URL into the browser. For instance, add either the Menu item “mi=action:WHSWorkExecute” or the Menu item “&mi=action%3AWUSWorkExecute” as a suffix to the Dynamics 365 FO environment URL:
Demonstration from Mobile App User’s Perspective
Log in to the Warehouse mobile device app.
Select the RAF and putaway Menu item from the mobile device.
The Serial field is not displayed until a Prod Id has been entered.
Enter a Prod Id and click OK.
The Serial field will appear if the Item Id is serial number-controlled and the Show serial number checkbox is selected on the Report as finished and putaway Mobile device menu item.
Enter a Serial number.
Entering or scanning a serial number on the mobile app is only possible for a Quantity of 1.
Click OK.
Once a serial number is entered/scanned, it can be seen on:
The Licence Plate labels form (Warehouse management > Inquiries and reports > License plate labels).
The On-hand inventory form (Inventory management > Inquiries and reports > On-hand list).