Select and Move Form Objects
    • 02 Sep 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Select and Move Form Objects

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    Article summary

    When the Select tool is active, you can select previously defined areas and input data elements on the left side of the window, and you can select objects in the form design on the right side of the window. When you have selected an object on either side of the Form Editor window the connected object on the opposite side will be automatically selected as well.

    Select Tool

    You activate the object selection tool by clicking the Select button in the toolbar.

    After you select an object, you can change its properties by right-clicking it or using the toolbar, and you can move it.

    Several Patterns Matching the Lines

    If there are one or more patterns matching the lines you wish to select after clicking the Rearrange tool, you can press Shift prior to releasing the mouse. A context menu is then displayed showing all patterns matching the selected line. Select the desired pattern to create conditional rearrange or select Sheet to create an absolute rearrange.

    Change the Position of an Object

    An object can be moved to another position in several different ways. First, highlight the object(s) using the Select tool. The mouse cursor will then change to  and you can drag the object to a new position by keeping the left mouse button held down and releasing it when the object has been relocated. You can also use the arrow keys on the keyboard or type in specific X/Y coordinates in the property bar or the properties dialog (accessible by double-clicking the object).

    Alt + arrow moves in smaller steps (so does Alt + mouse).

    Shift + mouse moves in one direction (horizontal or vertical).

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