    • 07 Jan 2025
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Article summary

    In the Security FastTab of the Reports page, you can define and further modify the settings described in this page.

    The Security FastTab is used for reports added to the main menu as well as for the ones added to the forms.

    It is possible to get an overview of the reports added to the main menu by navigating to Lasernet > Setup > Parameters > Perfomance > Report identification > Reports in menu.

    User Access

    By defining the User access parameters, it is possible to grant access/deny (indirect) access to a report (Query).

    From the Relation drop-down combo box, you can select one of the following values:

    • Table: only specific users can access the report

    • Group: a group of users can access the report

    • All: all users can access the report

    User Settings

    Debug mode: When the toggle button is set to Yes, the report preview XML document is shown instead of the PDF.

    Printer Settings Dialog

    • Allow manual overlay: Allows choosing overlay ID manually in the printer dialog.

    • Allow manual attachment: Allows the user to select document restriction and document type on printer dialog.

    • Allow manual preview format: Allows change of preview format in printer settings form.

    • Allow language enforce: Allows overwriting the default language setting defined on the customer side. If the toggle button is active and set to Yes, the user is granted the right to overrule the language set on the customer side.


    A customer's language is set to en-GB - English, but he/she contacts the call center and asks to change the language for a specific Sales Invoice and set it to Finnish. A call center specialist locates the journal and specifies the Force language.

    The labels are now fetched in the fi language instead of en-GB. The following is an example of the output for which a new language has been set:

    • Allow choose review before sending: Allows choosing Review before sending property manually in the printer dialog, enforcing Review before sending.

    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.