    • 07 Jan 2025
    • 2 Minutes to read
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    Article summary

    The first section of the Lasernet module is Common. The first link available in the Common section is to the Reports page.

    Reports Page Overview

    The Reports page in the Lasernet module is the central location for managing your Lasernet FO Connector reports. On this form, you can create and configure Lasernet reports for the current legal entity. It is also possible to run reports and view archived records.

    To access the Reports page, navigate to Lasernet > Common > Reports.

    The Reports page consists of a list of created Lasernet reports (on the left), a FastTab setup (on the right), and an Action pane menu (at the top) to configure each individual report from the list.

    The Filter pane on the left side of the page displays the Lasernet reports in a list. These are the Lasernet reports that have been created. Each report record is presented with the following information:

    • Origin: SSRS report, Query, and Class.

    • Report name.

    • Report design name.

    • Report Active status.

    Once a report record is selected in the list, its settings are shown on the right panel. All the report settings are grouped.

    The search bar at the top of the Filter pane can be used to filter records by their name.

    Discover Report for Lasernet

    In order to use an SSRS report with Lasernet, it must first be added to the Reports list. If the name of the SSRS report is known, it can be manually added to the list using the New button.

    Alternatively, if an SSRS report is not yet enabled for Lasernet, it can be discovered by using the Setup for Lasernet button.

    To this end, you must first trigger a print of the standard SSRS report to screen.

    1. Navigate to Sales and marketing > Sales orders > Order confirmation > Sales order confirmations, select the SSRS report, and click Preview/Print on the Action pane.

    The Setup for Lasernet button will be visible for SSRS reports that have not been added to the Reports list.

    As a result, the report is added to the Lasernet reports list.

    1. Enable the report by toggling the Active option to Yes in the General FastTab or selecting the checkbox in the Active column within the report record.

    1. Click Refresh in the Action pane to ensure all data sources are properly loaded to the report.

    If the standard SSRS is printed again, the Lasernet setup can now be accessed using the Open in Lasernet button.

    Once a report is active for Lasernet, a Form link must be created to trigger printing to Lasernet destinations. The Open Lasernet Setup button is also available from the Print Destination settings dialog, which appears when a Form link is clicked. Either the Administrator or Lasernet Administrator role is required to perform this action.

    For more information on Form link setups, review our Form link documentation.

    Follow these links to learn more about the functionalities available to users in the Reports page:

    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.