Report Identification
    • 07 Jan 2025
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Report Identification

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    Article summary

    Report identification can be set up for the report to make the Lasernet destinations available on the report's print dialog.

    To set up Report identification, follow these steps:

    1. Find the report name in Lasernet > Common > Reports – in this case, BankPaymAdviceVend SSRS report (payment advice).

    1. Navigate to Lasernet > Setup > Parameters > Performance, and enable Activate report identification mode. This will make the Report identification button available on the report's print dialog.

    Here, you may also create the report class by clicking the Report identification button.

    1. Navigate to the report and open the print dialog. In this case, navigate to Accounts payable > Payments > Vendor payment journal.

    2. Select a journal and click Lines from the menu bar to open the journal.

    1. Click Print on the Action pane and then select Payment advice.

    2. Open the Print dialog for this report by selecting Print destination.

    3. Select Report Identification and collect the needed data from the Report Identification dialog that opens.

    4. Navigate back to Lasernet > Setup > Parameters > Performance and select Report Identification.

    1. Click on New and provide the Report name.

    1. Click Save.

    1. Open the Call stack condition FastTab and select FormFunctionButtonControl as an Object name.

    1. Open the Caller condition FastTab and select CustVendPaymPrinterSettings as a Caller.

    1. Click Save.

    1. Exit and try again to print the report. The Lasernet print buttons should be available.


    This default report is "hard-coded" to the Screen, but you may change it via print management if necessary.

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