- Print
The preview functionality is designed to show the final result of the output without processing the job via the Lasernet Server.
To preview an output, proceed through the steps listed below:
On the toolbar, click Preview.
From the Preview Options dialog, specify the page(s) to be included to the output preview.
Current sheet: Select this radio button to include all the pages on the current sheet.
Page number: Select this radio button to include a specific page from the current sheet. Once selected, the Page text box is enabled allowing you to type the number of the page to be included.
Page range: Select this radio button to include a range of pages. Once selected, the Start page and End page text boxes are enabled, allowing you to specify your desired page range.
If you have enabled page mixing for sheets or sheet combining in the form you want to preview, the preview output will be organized according to the sheet order and page numbering rules (for more details, see Combine Sheet Output).