Preview not Showing in Browser
    • 27 Mar 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Preview not Showing in Browser

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    Article summary

    To access the Lasernet Parameters area, navigate to Lasernet > Setup > Performance. Here, you will find the Preview in new browser tab button. To create documents successfully, toggle it to Yes.

    When you toggle this button to No, Dynamics will not show the document, throwing instead an error message or, in some cases, no display at all.


    As a workaround, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to Organization administration > Document management > Document types and add a new entry. Ensure that a Location is selected in the Location drop-down menu, such as the following:

    1. Ensure the entry is first on the list (alphabetically - must start with an 'A').

    This problem is also caused by a user selecting the first entry on the list when preparing the preview in the browser, which requires the use of DocuValue.

    Lasernet FO Connector

    To avoid this issue, an extra option has been introduced in Lasernet FO Connector This option has been added through the field Document type for preview and is located in Lasernet > Setup > Parameters > Performance.

    The option ensures the proper Document type is used in case there is a modification in relation to the destination (Azure Storage, Sharepoint, etc.).

    The option is only required in case multiple destination types are or have been used. It is only available when the Preview in new browser tab button is toggled to No.

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