Performance Considerations for Lasernet
    • 12 Nov 2024
    • 2 Minutes to read
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    Performance Considerations for Lasernet

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    Article summary

    Several considerations can be taken into account in relation to performance, particularly with reference to Data source. Any one or all of the following steps can be taken to ensure strong and fast application performance and a stable structure:

    • Delete Tables and Fields unused by the Query wizard.

    • Test your report with real and sufficient data.

    • Check your table relations so that you do not get unnecessary data/structure.

    • Empty ranges or no ranges often cause slow performance as all the records can get fetched.

    • Add a field to an index. Fields that do not belong to any index can slow performance because a full table scan is used to find the related record(s). It is recommended that a field be added to an index to avoid a potential full table scan and ensure performance.

    If a Data source has multiple child data sources at the same level with Fetch mode 1:1 where an inner join is required, consider using a subquery. It is possible to avoid performance issues and optimize the structure by adding subqueries to the existing Query (main Query).

    A new option for disabling and re-enabling the data sources has been introduced within the Query wizard. It may be useful when optimizing performance and locating data sources (tables) causing no output.

    To solve the performance issues using performance indicators, follow these steps:

    1. Activate Performance indicators when optimizing performance for a report.

    For more information on Performance indicators, visit the following link:

    1. Run the report to a destination (not Lasernet screen). It is recommended that you use to use either email or fax.

    For example, use fax as the destination and 1234 as the print number.

    1. Locate the part causing slow performance and disable data source(s) within this part of the Query (for instance, disabling half of the data sources).

    2. Re-run the report and re-check the infolog in relation to the part of the structure which was causing slow performance.

    3. Check the table used for the relations and indexes for the tables, causing a slow performance.

    Data Source and Size Limits

    SQL Server has a limit row size of 8060; if the size exceeds the limit, the following error is displayed:

    The error occurs because you cannot have a row in SQL server larger than 8KB (the size of one page) because rows are not allowed to span pages – it is a basic limit of SQL Server. For more information, see the following:

    Data contained for all fields within an entity are contained in an SQL table with a maximum storage of 8060 bytes.

    See documentation from MS:

    For more information, visit the following links:


    How Does the Data Get Selected?

    You can see the infolog with the SQL Query in the performance log (if enabled). Selecting the Full value in the Performance indicators dropdown combo box allows you to add a Query statement (SQL statement) to the Infolog once a report is executed.

    Grouping, Fetch mode (1:1/1:N) affects how the SQL query is executed.

    Fetch mode/Fetch 1:1 are creating an SQL statement such as the following:

    Fetch mode/Fetch 1:N are creating multiple and separate SQL statements such as the following:

    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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