Notable Autoform DM Versions
    • 29 Feb 2024
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    Notable Autoform DM Versions

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    Article summary


    Historically there have been specific versions of Autoform DM where notable features have been added, changes have been made or specific upgrade requirements introduced.

    This document is not a replacement for the changelog for a specific version or the compatibility matrix / new features documents. It simply aims to cover these notable versions at a high level and help prepare for upgrades, in particular those which leap across a number of notable versions.

    Forced Upgrade Path

    Certain versions impose a forced upgrade path, meaning they must be upgraded to in a specific order before proceeding to the next version.

    These are:

    • 6.842 – Last Borland (BES) version for staging the migration

    • 6.905 – First JBoss version for BES migrations

    • 6.912 – First documented and officially maintained version

    • 7.0.5 – V4 Migration Agent – required for v4 migrations only

    • 7.3.0 – Key Migration process

    • 9.2.2 – Additional Keys Support

    We recommend contacting support if you are unsure of the process, particularly when upgrading from significantly older versions.

    Notable Versions

    This section details each notable version, oldest to newest. When upgrading, ensure you review every version between and including your from/to versions. For example, if you were upgrading from version d to g, you should review notes for d, e, f and g as they will all apply.

    Items mentioned here fall into the following categories:

    • Introduces: Something new that was introduced to the version which is of significance in the context of an upgrade.

    • Requires: Something that is specifically required or enforced to proceed past this version.

    • Removes: A feature that was removed from the software and is no longer supported.



    • Support for the onLogin, onDocumentCreate and onDocumentUpdate serverscript functions.



    • Use of new /dm context path for front end. Existing integrations are still available on /pdm

    • Various items including users, document definitions, searches, imports and groups must all have unique names (labels). Database updates will fail for any duplicates and need to be manually resolved



    • The key migration feature with support for more than 55 keys, a requirement for progressing to any future versions.



    • The ability to use a single key column for multiple types of data across document definitions (meaning a 55 key definition global limit).


    • The key migration process to have been completed for upgrades from previous versions.

    • A link between all records in tblDocumentHistory to tblDocuments. Database updates will fail for any orphaned records.



    • Support for serverscripts.



    • A new licence to be generated.



    • All name values must pass validation, preventing previously allowed names such as name-, -name and name–name. Any violations will cause database update failures. An auto-fix option is available in this update from 9.2.0 onwards, see logs for details.



    • Java applet support from default installs.

    • Ability to execute SQL over webservices v1.

    • Support for JFinder connecting via HTTPS (SSLv2 Hello).


    • Generation of the making future upgrades easier from this point.


    Large databases may experience longer database upgrade times; the transaction timeout was raised to facilitate this.



    • The ability to store NKEY values of more than 19 digits and 2 decimals. Attempts to store documents violating this will fail. This validation can be disabled using a system property

    • The ability to specify a revision number greater than the current document revision when using PUT /documents in the REST Document Resource. For example if you specify a document with revision 2 in the update, and the current revision is 1, it will now fail as intended.


    • (Oracle DB only) SELECT permission to the view DBA_IND_COLUMNS. If the update 920003 fails, ensure this permission is set.

    • ddl permissions (e.g. db_ddladmin) in the database at runtime. Used by the additional key feature in order to DROP and CREATE columns on demand.

    • A link between all records in tblKeyData and tblKeyDefinitions. Will fail update 920007 for any orphaned rows.

    • All entries in tblKeyDefinitions to have a valid 'system identifier', e.g. NULL, SKEY1-25, NKEY1-15 or DKEY1-15. Invalid entries will cause database update 920009 to fail.

    • A link between all records in tblDocuments / tblDocumentHistory and tblUsers (ownerId to userId). It will fail updates 920010 / 920011 for any orphaned documents. An auto-fix option is available in this update, see logs for details


    • Support for 'additional keys' outside of the 55 key limit, paired with the 7.3.0 release

    • Optional 'document encryption' feature. Any upgrades after this point will need to be aware that documents may be encrypted and the keystore will be a crucial part of the process



    Any columns specified in new SQL searches from now on must be escaped, for example, instead of WHERE my_key_name = , on MS SQL it should be WHERE [my-key-name] =. This is dependant on the database provider used.



    • The ability to pass MD5 hashes across for login (such as in the remote search linking functionality).

    • Support for any java applets such as the 'PC Doc Import' and 'Multiple Printing', notably this also has the following impact:

      • Configuration packs containing document-import entries will fail to validate.

      • Existing import applications will be deleted on upgrade (with details included in the legacy-import-data.log log file).

      • The 'Multiple Printing' feature has not been replaced.

      • The 'PC Doc Import' feature has been replaced by the new 'v2' document import applications.


    • Passwords in configuration packs must be hashed (it is now possible to export these).


    • The API Key for authenticating REST API integrations. We recommend use of this for any integrations going forward.



    • Support of deprecated TLS protocols (TLSv1, TLSv1.1). Therefore, not compatible with earlier versions of the DM client (i.e. 10.1.1 and earlier).


    • A settings change so that all audit events in the following categories are switched on by default: login, groups, users, passwords, settings, documents, definitions, execution.



    • docname column from tbldocuments.


    • A change to default remote search behaviour – the results table will now be shown by default, even if there is only one record. It is possible to revert to the previous behaviour, if preferred. See Remote Search.

    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
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