NOT_FOUND_ Section within Elements
    • 20 Mar 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    NOT_FOUND_ Section within Elements

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    Article summary

    This article explains why an element section named NOT_FOUND_ may appear in reports in Lasernet Connector and how this can be resolved.

    This section is created by the Connector when a Lasernet report, either SSRS or Query, is refreshed, and the system cannot find a section for certain fields. Most likely, a user has added some extra fields to an element section that are no longer available on the report.


    After applying Reload report fields:

    Given that table10 no longer exists, Lasernet cannot place the extra added data field in the section. That is why the NOT_FOUND_ section is added. In this case, both table10 and table3 are missing.


    Move each line to one of the existing sections or rename the NOT_FOUND_ section to a more suitable name.

    Additional Information

    This scenario can occur when exporting Lasernet data from one environment to another (such as from DEV to Test) or when upgrading your Axapta from CU3 to CU5. Ensure that all your environments are equal.

    This can also happen if you add fields to an element section of a table that are removed from the report later on. They can be removed through the Query wizard if they are Query reports or through Data sources if they are SSRS reports.

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