Merge Rearranges
    • 20 Jun 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Merge Rearranges

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    Article summary

    You can merge several rearranges into one single object on the output pane. Press and hold Ctrl then either use the arrow keys to move a rearrange into another one, or drag and drop a rearrange into another one. Alternatively, press and hold Ctrl then select at least two rearranges, then right-click and click Merge output.


    Objects such as fixed text can be merged in the same way as rearranges.

    All combined rearranges are shown in the objects list of the Edit Rearrange dialog. Each of the rearranges has its own definable font type, font size, formatting and color on the output page. This gives the user full flexibility in controlling how the contents of a rearrange field is presented on the final form.

    You can undo a merge of several rearranges by choosing Detach All from the context menu of a merged rearrange. Alternatively, you can select one or more input rearranges belonging to the same output rearrange in the input view and select Detach from the context menu. You can also select the rearrange(s) you want to detach and click Detach in the Edit Rearrange dialog.

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