Manage Document Definitions
    • 13 Dec 2024
    • 6 Minutes to read
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    Manage Document Definitions

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    Article summary

    Document Definitions define the metadata associated with the files being archived. Document metadata is a set of Key Definitions that are bound to the document definition. Key Definitions define the data type (string, number or date) of the value to be stored and are searchable.

    Add a New Document Definition

    Perform the following actions to create a new document definition:

    1. From the Administration screen, click Document Definition Manager.

    2. Click the + New Document Definition button.

    3. Under Label, enter a unique label for the document definition you created.


      • The label must be in UTF-8 character encoding.

      • It may be written in the user’s language.

    4. Under Name, you can choose to enter a custom name or accept the auto-generated one.


      • The name must only contain lowercase alpha-numeric characters and hyphens, without spaces.

      • The label must be in UTF-8 character encoding.

      • It is recommended to write the name in English.

    5. Optionally, enter a filename under Filename. Filenames are used when emailing or downloading imported documents that use document definitions.


      • Use the mentioned tokens to add the id, name or key definition to the file name.

      • File extensions are automatically added to the end of the filename.

    6. Click Create to add your new document definition.

      The Document Keys section opens by default. From here, you can choose whether to configure further or return to the Document Definition Manager module landing page to view and act on the document definition that you created.

    Edit an Existing Document Definition

    It is possible to edit document definitions that you created previously using the Document Definition Manager. Perform the following actions to edit a document definition:

    1. On the Document Definition - Selection page, select the document definition you wish to modify.

      The Document Definition - Basic Details page for the selected document definition is displayed. From here, you can edit:

      - The Label

      - The Name

      - The Filename


      Refer to steps 3 to 5 in Add a New Document Definition for additional guidelines.

    2. Click Save.

      A system message will display that your document definition has been updated successfully.

    Create and Bind a new Key Definition

    It is possible to create and bind a new key definition from within the Document Definition Manager. Perform the following actions to do so:

    1. Select a document definition.

    2. Click on the Document Keys tab on the left panel.

    3. Click the + New Key Definition button.

      The Create New Key Definition dialog box appears.


    4. Select a data type and cardinality.


      Data types can be string, number or date. Cardinality can either be single or multiple, meaning there can be multiple values for a key on a single document.

    5. Enter a label and a name.

    6. Click Create.

    7. Click Save.

      The key is created and bound to the document.

    Delete an Existing Document Definition

    To delete an existing document definition, perform the following actions:

    1. Navigate to the Document Definition - Selection page.

    2. Select the document definition you wish to delete.

    3. Click the x Delete button.

    4. On the Confirm Deletion dialog box, click Yes.

      On the Document Definition—Selection page, an information message confirms that the selected document definition has been deleted and will no longer be displayed in the list of document definitions.


    • Document Definition deletion that causes data loss is only available if licensed. You can delete a document definition you created previously.

    • After creating a document definition you may have key definitions bound to the document definition. When importing documents into the system they will have values set against the keys bound to the document definition.


    When you delete a document definition all documents associated with that document definition are deleted, including historic versions of documents. As a precaution, there is a limit to the number of

    documents that can be deleted when removing a document definition. See Document Definition in use by multiple Documents for more information.

    You cannot delete a document definition in the following situations:

    • When a document search or import application uses a document definition

    • If too many documents use a particular document definition

    Document Definition in Use by Applications

    If a document definition is in use by a document search or an import application, then you will not be able to delete it until you have removed the document definition from the application.

    When you try to delete a document definition, a dialog box with the following message appears: “Document definition in use by applications”. It also details which applications use the document definition you wish to delete.

    To delete the document definition anyway, perform the following tasks:

    1. Click OK to exit the dialog box.

    2. Navigate to the Application Manager to act on the applications that use the document definition you want to delete.

    3. Unbind the document definition from the applications you have selected.

    4. Follow steps 1 - 4 in Delete an Existing Document Definition.

      On the Document Definition—Selection page, an information message confirms that the selected document definition has been deleted and will no longer be displayed in the list of document definitions.

    Document Definition in use by Multiple Documents

    When deleting a Document Definition, the maximum number of documents that can be deleted is limited. On a new system, the maximum number is set to 5,000 by default.

    If deleting a document definition erases more than the maximum number of documents allowed by the system, a “Document definition is used by too many documents” dialog box is displayed.

    If you need to change the maximum number of documents that can be deleted, contact Formpipe Support via the Create Ticket button in the support portal.


    Deleting a Document Definition is particularly useful when setting up or testing a system and there are only a few unwanted documents associated with the Document Definition. However, if a system has been in operation for an extended period and has accumulated many imported documents, deleting a Document Definition may result in the deletion of more documents than anticipated. Therefore, it is important to exercise caution when using this function.

    It is recommended to revert to a lower maximum document deletion limit to prevent accidental deletion of a large number of documents later on.

    Document Deletion and Data Loss

    When a document definition is deleted, all associated documents, including older versions, are also deleted. In such instances, a dialog box with a warning message is displayed. It also displays the number of current and historical documents that will be removed if the selected document definition is deleted.

    To delete a document definition despite the data loss warning, perform the following actions:

    1. Enter the name of the document definition as indicated in the dialog box.

    2. Click Confirm.

      You will be redirected to the Document Definition - Selection screen.

    A confirmation message is displayed at the top of the screen once the selected document definition has been deleted. Your document definition will no longer be in the list of document definitions.

    Extended Properties

    By default, document definitions only consist of a name and a label. Sometimes, customers need additional metadata on their document types, for example, a document category or a security level. By creating extended properties, each document definition has an extra field. The feature also allows customers to write integrations.

    Create an Extended Property

    It is possible to create extended properties for a document definition. To do so, perform the following actions:

    1. Open the Document Definition Manager and click the Extended Properties tab.

    2. Click on + New Extended Property.

      The Extended Property - Basic Details page is displayed.

    3. Enter a Label for the property.

      The Name is auto-generated. Optionally, this name can be modified.  

    4. Click Create.

    5. Click Back to Selection to view the new extended property you have created.

    Define the Value of an Extended Property

    It is possible to define a value for an extended property. To do so, perform the following actions:

    1. From the Document Definition - Selection page, select a document definition.

    2. Click on the Extended Properties tab.

    3. Select the extended property you wish to modify.

      The property is displayed.

    4. Enter a value and click Save.

    Delete an Extended Property

    It is possible to remove extended properties for document definitions. To do so, perform the following actions:

    1. From the Document Definition - Selection page, click on the Extended Properties tab.

    2. Select the extended property you wish to remove.

    3. Click Delete.

      A confirmation dialog box is displayed.

    4. Click Yes to confirm deletion.

      If the extended property you wish to delete is being used, another confirmation dialog box is displayed.

    5. Enter the name of the property, and click Confirm.

      You are returned to the list of extended properties.

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