The Lasernet Shape Tool and the Benefits of Overlay-Free Forms
    • 14 Jun 2024
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    The Lasernet Shape Tool and the Benefits of Overlay-Free Forms

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    Article summary

    With the release of Lasernet 7 came the introduction of the Shape tool, which allows for lines, tables, rectangles, and rounded rectangles to be easily created in Lasernet forms.

    Version 8 introduced new advanced styles and formatting options. These options allow for styles to be consistent throughout forms so that there can be fewer variations in fonts, therefore reducing font information stored in documents.

    The majority of Overlays can be recreated within Lasernet by using a combination of the Shape tool, Style options, and the Image tool. Overlay-free documents have a number of benefits, some of which are listed as follows.

    Benefits of Overlay-Free Forms

    The major benefit is greatly reduced file sizes compared to documents generated with an Overlay. This means that:

    • Documents will be generated faster as there is less data to process.

    • After generation, documents will pass through the rest of the Lasernet process faster as there is less data.

    • There is increased document throughput efficiency.

    If documents are being emailed or archived, they:

    • Take up less storage space.

    • Be faster to transfer as there is less data to transfer.

    • Will reduce network load.

    Changes to existing forms are easier and quicker because:

    • Changes can be made dynamically without the need for external applications.

    • There are no external files, so Overlay files cannot be lost.


    The following image shows an example of two documents created in Lasernet. One has been created using an Overlay, and the other using the built-in Lasernet form tools and style options.

    With the exception of minor design amendments, the two documents are almost indistinguishable. All data is displayed consistently, regardless of Overlay or Overlay-free output.

    Overlay-free vs Overlay

    The major advantage here is the resulting file size. The document created using an overlay was 57kb compared to 12 kb for the Overlay-free version—a 77% reduction in output file size.

    In practice, this would mean that if Lasernet generated and stored one million overlay-free documents, 45GB of space would be saved compared to creating a document with overlays—a significant saving for such a simple change.

    If you would like some assistance in redesigning your Lasernet forms to take advantage of the benefits listed above, contact Formpipe Support to discuss how to best make them work for your requirements.

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