Lasernet Printer Selection
    • 05 Aug 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    Lasernet Printer Selection

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    Article summary

    The Lasernet Printer Selections function works like the standard printer selection in Dynamics 365 Business Central, but it is a separate solution that uses the Lasernet Printer Table instead of the Windows System Printers.

    To access the Lasernet Printer Selections page, follow these steps:

    1. Sign in to Business Central and select the Lasernet Document Management dropdown from the list and the page is displayed. Otherwise, you can search for the Lasernet Document Management page.

    2. Select Lasernet Printer Selections from the Printers group.

    The Printer Selections page is displayed:

    This page is used to set a default printer for a specific user.

    What's Next
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