Lasernet New Features 10.3
    • 25 Nov 2024
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    Lasernet New Features 10.3

    • PDF

    Article summary

    Release version: 10.3

    Release date: 15th July 2022

    New Features

    This section is an overview of the new features included with this version of Lasernet.

    System Requirements

    Lasernet 10 has the following minimum requirements:

    • Lasernet 10 requires at least 1GB of available disk space. This is for the installation only. Additional disk space will be required; the amount will vary depending on your configuration

    • You can only install Lasernet 10 on 64-bit systems

    • A minimum of two cores is required

    • A trusted certificate installed on the Lasernet Config Server 10 is recommended

    Supported Operating Systems

    • Windows 8.1

    • Windows 10

    • Windows 11

    • Windows Server 2012 R2

    • Windows Server 2016

    • Windows Server 2019

    • Windows Server 2022

    Supported Browsers

    • Microsoft Edge

    • Google Chrome

    • Mozilla Firefox

    Lasernet 64-bit Prerequisites

    • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8

    Manually download and install Microsoft .NET 4.8 framework, when notified by installer, before installing Lasernet 10.

    • Microsoft SQL Server 2017 LocalDB

    • Microsoft OLE DB Driver 18 for SQL Server

    • Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable x64

    These components are automatically added by the installer.

    Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime

    During the installation, this component is automatically added / downloaded by the installer. If there is no internet connection, please manually download and install the component, before installing Lasernet 10.

    The component must be installed with administrative rights.

    Important before upgrading to Lasernet 10.3

    New Installers, Connections, Sign in, and SDK from Lasernet 10.2

    The installation procedure and the configuration procedure, in several of the client applications, have been changed from Lasernet 10.2; there are now separate installers for Lasernet Server 10 and Lasernet Developer 10.

    If you have not read the release notes for Lasernet 10.2, for how to upgrade to Lasernet 10.2 and newer and about changes in third-party modules, developed by the Lasernet SDK, we recommend that you do so before installing this version.

    Lasernet Form Editor

    Hyperlinks in Images

    Support for hyperlinks in images has been added for images in PDF documents. The new option is in the Formats tab of the Edit Image dialog.

    JobInfo values, included as a part of the URL, are supported for dynamic URLs.

    Install Fonts Used

    When saving existing or new forms in the Form Editor, a new Install Fonts Used dialog will be shown.

    The listed set of Windows fonts used by the form are automatically copied to the configuration resources. This is a feature to share all fonts used across users and servers where the fonts being used are not installed by default.

    Encryption and Password Protection for Documents Created in the DOCX and XLSX Formats

    A new property to set a password for DOCX output format has been added to Sheet Options > DOCX tab.

    Insert a fixed password or insert a JobInfo value for creation of a dynamic password.

    A new property to set a password for XLSX output format has been added to Sheet Options > XLSX tab.

    Insert a fixed password or insert a JobInfo value for creation of a dynamic password.

    Additional Progress after Last Region

    A new property has been added to set an additional progress after last Region in a Dynamic Region.

    This offers a more flexible layout where additional information, totals, or shapes require extra space to fulfill the requirements of the form layout.

    Lasernet Web Client

    Support for Viewing User and System JobInfos

    Similarly to the Lasernet Client app, you can now edit system JobInfos stored in read/write mode or view JobInfos stored in read-only mode.

    This is a tool often used by Lasernet developers and administrators to analyze and edit JobInfos for failed jobs or verify that JobInfos temporarily stored in paused or scheduled jobs are set with expected values.

    Support for Identifiers

    Similarly to the Lasernet Client app, you can now add and edit Identifiers for jobs temporarily stored in an OCR Engine queue from the Lasernet Web Client.

    The list of values, to be selected and inserted into an Identifier field, are retrieved from CSV files assigned to an OCR Engine on the Lasernet Server.

    The solution is enhanced to support the insertion of any field (ValueMember) stored in the CSV file and to show the content for the field selected as the DisplayMember. In previous versions the value for an Identifier was restricted to the first column only.

    This feature is supported by Lasernet Client and the web application.

    Lasernet Monitor

    Open Logs is a new feature where you can open log files downloaded from disk in either the .zip (multiple log files) or .lnlog (single log file) format.

    This will help you to search, find and filter messages and to analyze old log files, downloaded from a Lasernet Server, in the Lasernet Monitor.

    Performance, Transactions, Grab, and Licensing information are not accessible when a log file is opened from disk. You can connect at any time to a Lasernet Server by selecting an accessible server instance to start receiving a real-time log.

    Lasernet Input Management


    With the support for identifiers, newly added to the Lasernet Web Client, the functionality is now fully compliant with Input Management and features also supported by the Lasernet Client application.

    PDF to Text

    In the PDF to Text modifier, used for extraction of text data embedded in PDF documents, we are introducing two new features and have changed a default setting to improve the quality of extracted data for processing of OCR Forms.


    Added a new feature to detect landscape in PDF documents and set specific values for rows and columns in landscape vs. portrait mode.

    Note: Default values can cause non-backward compatibility in documents running in landscape mode. Set landscape values to the same values as portrait for 100% backward compatibility when upgrading from older versions.

    Remove Underscores

    This is not a new feature, but the Remove underscores checkbox is now activated by default when adding new modules to the configuration.

    Remove Adjacent Periods

    Added new feature settings to remove adjacent dots in documents. Default value (active) can cause non-backward compatibility in documents with adjacent dots.


    Deactivate this setting for 100% backward compatibility when upgrading from older versions.

    Lasernet OCR Editor

    Introducing an easier creation of filenames when selecting Save As to save a temporary copy of OCR Forms to disk. Criteria in OCR Forms are now used to suggest the file name.

    Added a new Update and Close button, to reduce the number of clicks when you want to update the form and close the OCR Editor at the same time.

    Azure Storage

    By adding support for SAS keys from Container, instead of Storage only, you can now limit the rights to the entire storage.

    Set the required Permissions for the Container on the Microsoft Azure Portal for your Azure Storage Container and click Generate SAS token and URL.

    Copy the Blob SAS URL to the SAS Token in the Azure Storage Connection properties in the Lasernet Developer to limit the rights to the entire storage.

    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.