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Lasernet - License Plate Label Setup FastTab on the Mobile Device Menu Items Form
The appearance of the Lasernet - License plate label setup FastTab is based upon the Work creation process and Work order type. The following article will discuss the criteria needed for this FastTab to appear/disappear.
Mode Fields
The Mode field on the Mobile device menu items form can either be set to Indirect or Work.
Mode = Indirect
When the Mode is set to Indirect the Activity code field decides if the FastTab should appear or not.
If the Activity code is set to Reprint label, the FastTab will appear.
For the selection of all other values within the Activity code field, the FastTab will not appear.
The Activity code is set to Reprint label:
The Activity code is set to a value other than Reprint label (for instance, Change warehouse):
Mode = Work
In this case, the Lasernet FastTab will only appear for all the Work creation processes that come under the following Work order types:
Purchase Order
Transfer Order
For Work creation processes that come under all other Work order types, the FastTab will not appear. These Work order types include:
Return Order
Cycle count
For a complete list of Work order types and their Work creation processes, refer to the following article: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/supply-chain/warehousing/configure-mobile-devices-warehouse#configure-menu-items-to-create-work-for-another-worker-or-process
The Work Order Type is either Purchase Order, Transfer Order, or Production:
The Work order type is either Return Order, Inventory, or Cycle Count:
Additional Information
For more information, consult the following: