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Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.2 New Features and Fixes
Lasernet Connector for Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations
Release version: 6.18.2
Release date: 16th December 2022
This page describes fixes and enhancements in Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.2.
Click to view the Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.2 Release Notes.
Bug Fixes and Enhancements – Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.2
Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.2 is a quality update for Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.1.
These are provided through the following fixes and enhancements in Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.2:
316458@LAC365FO – T&P - Test of query reports
In previous versions, using a Query as a Checkpoint for the XML comparison would fail.
This has been fixed.
326367@LAC365FO – LAC SSRS report - Printing to non-Screen destination - tries to open Viewer as for Screen destination
When using a non-screen destination for an SSRS (a report rendered through SSRS/Reporting Server as PDF), the system would try to open the report viewer as though the screen was used as a destination.
This is now fixed.
326749@LAC365FO – LAC 6.18.1 Conditions Issue On Lasernet Server
The following sequence/order is shown in the setup of the Lasernet servers:
This has been added to ensure that the sequence (order/priority) of the servers can be easily identified.
A Lasernet server is found by running through the sequence (order) and by finding a server for which the condition for a server is met.
The system will then use the first server on the list without any condition in case none of the Lasernet servers with a condition were found—this Lasernet server will be used as a Default server (fallback).
328428@LAC365FO – Error if SSRS report is set up to 'Let SSRS render PDF' and value in 'Subfolder mask' is added
The following error occurred when using the File/Subfolder mask for a report in which Let SSRS render PDF was used.
When using Let SSRS render PDF and when using a Subfolder mask.
This is now fixed.
328875@LAC365FO – Issues after URL encoding of XmlFileStorage and OutputFileStorage in 6.18.1
A report that was using the File/Subfolder mask was not properly saved within the proper subfolder.
A report for which the Subfolder mask was used/defined
was saving the files (XML/PDF Files) within the root and not the proper subfolder structure.
The issue was caused because files were URL-encoded in Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.1.
Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.2 will try to preview/use documents located in the proper folder and, hereafter, try to find the document in the root in case it is not found within the subfolder.
A task providing the option to move the documents from the root into the subfolder (defined in the File/Folder-mask) is introduced in Lasernet FO Connector 6.18.2.
The task is located in Lasernet > Parameters > General > Fix 6.18.1 file name issues and will run across all legal entities/companies in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.
Start by running this task within a DEV/TEST environment before running the task in PROD.
Running without any of the checkmarks will move all incorrectly saved files from the root into the proper subfolder(s) across all companies in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations.
The s ystem will only find the first matching entry.
It will only show the first file found in the root (only the first file -XML or PDF- which should not be saved in the root).
The system will only process the first matching entry
Will only move first file found in the root (only first file -XML or PDF- which should not be saved in the root).
Running without any checkmarks.
This will move all files found in the root (only files that should not be saved in the root).
328883@LAC365FO – Check if the additional index is required when opening LAC-Archive from the Reports (Issue with +RecId)
An additional index has been added for the Lasernet Archive.
This index has been added to ensure better performance when opening the Lasernet Archive from the Lasernet reports and when having many entries/records within the Archive.
323211@LAC365FO – Attachments have an issue on SharePoint when the file name contains Danish characters
In previous versions, a warning was displayed when using an attachment for which the filename contains Danish characters.
This is now fixed.