Lasernet BC Connector New Features and Fixes
    • 03 Sep 2024
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    Lasernet BC Connector New Features and Fixes

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    Article summary

    Lasernet for Dynamics 365 Business Central

    Release version:

    Release date: 3rd September 2022


    This page describes the enhancements and fixes in Lasernet BC Connector

    Enhancements and Fixes - Lasernet BC Connector

    Lasernet BC Connector is a hotfix for the previous version,

    #436843 - Predefined Destination does not accept the default email address

    In previous versions, when using code or the Lasernet Request page (Print dialog) to set up a Predefined Destination while having an Email Destination on the Customer/Vendor Card pointing to a default email address, the system did not use this email address.

    Because the email address was not found, no email was sent.

    Am I affected by this bug?

    To find out, follow these steps:

    1. Open Lasernet Document Management and then select Predefined Destinations.

    1. Click the Share this page with other users or apps icon and then select Open in Excel.

    1. Use the filter options to show the records that use Send E-Mail as their Print Method.

    1. Use the filter options to show the records that use <Default> xxxxxxxxx as their Selected Destination.

    Customers/Vendors in the Source No.1 column could be affected by this bug.


    To solve this issue, follow either of the following solutions:

    • The preferred solution for fixing this bug is to install the Lasernet BC Connector update.


    • Complete the following steps to add a default email address Destination rule:

    1. Open the Customer/Vendor Card from your spreadsheet.

    2. Locate the Destination section and click New Line.

    3. Leave the Document Type field blank, and from the Print Method dropdown, select Send E-Mail.

    4. From the Selected Destination dropdown, select <Default> Click to Open Emails Setup, and enter the default email address.

    5. Ensure that the Active checkbox is enabled, both here and on the Destination rule.

    1. Resend the reports that failed to be sent.

    #429547 – Filesystem interface has been removed from the main Lasernet application


    This functionality is only available to On-Premises customers.

    Microsoft ® has announced the Business Central Universal Code initiative. Universal Code encourages partners to develop and resell Business Central Universal Code offerings, which can be defined as cloud-optimized extensions for Business Central. Universal Code solutions can be implemented everywhere, in Business Central online, On-Premise, or privately hosted environments.

    For more details, consult the following link:

    Due to this, Formpipe has decided to extract Filesystem from our main Lasernet application to support the Universal Code initiative and avoid forcing our customers to pay for the additional license.


    Customers who use Filesystem instead of Azure Technology will need to implement the following solution:

    If you want to continue using Filesystem, download a separate extension from our website.

    You can also switch to Azure Technology, which requires an Azure Service Bus and Azure Storage.

    Contact your Lasernet reseller for more information.

    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.