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Release version: 9.3
Release date: 5th March 2019
New Features and Fixes
The purpose of this section is to outline the new features and fixes of the components of Lasernet Version 9.3.
Lasernet Developer
The Module Tester now works for .NET modules.
Lasernet Service
Fixed an issue with JobEvents causing job trees in the database to be permanently retained.
Lasernet Form Editor
There is now support for the migration of Lasernet 6.6 forms with broken rearranges.
There is now support for displaying base64-encoded EMF images in forms.
We have fixed an issue where hyperlinks in PDF may not always be clickable in Adobe Acrobat.
A new setting named, 'Ignore object if no data is provided' has been added to Rearrange, JobInfo, Barcode and Shape objects.
Lasernet Overlay Engine
Fixed an issue where duplex pages were not handled correctly due to a wrong path to overlays.
Lasernet OCR Editor
Added support for refreshing Identifiers without the need to restart the Lasernet Service.
Lasernet Meta
We have added support for refreshing identifiers without the need to restart the Lasernet Service.
Database Commands
Fixed an issue where store procedures were not added correctly.
Fixed an issue that was preventing the Exchange and .NET modules from receiving incoming jobs.
Mail Output
There is now support for SMTP mails with Danish characters contained in the domain name.
Username and password settings were not always being saved. This is now fixed.
How to Get Support
If you encounter difficulty using Lasernet, contact us via the Create Ticket button in the support portal.