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Release version: 9.14.3 Hotfix
Release date: 14th April 2022
The following documentation and files are available:
Maintenance Report
This section briefly describes the fixes in Lasernet 9.14.3.
Internal Ref. | External Ref. | Area | Details | Status |
292254 | - | Developer | Autoform DM Upload module JobInfos were missing in JobInfo dropdown lists | Fixed |
275787 | - | Form Editor | Opening PDF in Preview mode, with a form that contains specific type of SVG images rotated to 180 or 270 degrees, caused a crash | Fixed |
293923 | - | OCR Editor | Removed flag requirement for header+footer fields to avoid OCR Forms created in older versions being non-compatible | Fixed |
293165 | 8562 | PDF Engine | Enclosed XMP Metadata in x:xmpmeta tag when generating PDF/A for German ZugFerd format. Avoids validation failure in certain validators, even though the tag is only optional | Fixed |
293680 | - | Rich Text Converter | DOCVARIABLES were not replaced with Phrases | Fixed |
293190 | - | Tesseract OCR | PDFs that did not restore a clean graphics state caused missing OCR processed image | Fixed |
How to Get Support
If you encounter difficulty using Lasernet, contact us via the Create Ticket button in the support portal.