- Print
Release version: 9.11.1
Release date: 16th April 2021
New Features and Fixes
The purpose of this section is to outline the new features and fixes of the components of Lasernet Version 9.11.1.
Lasernet Form Editor
Creating a Pattern and connecting it to an output Region could cause a crash. This is now fixed.
The Sharepoint 365 Graph & Azure Storage SAS connections were not selectable from the Connection tab in the 'Form Options' dialog.
Fixed a crash in XML output mode when right-clicking on the XML node to add a new XML template.
Fixed an issue where JobInfos for PaperHeight and PaperWidth were reversed in landscape mode.
Lasernet Developer
Removed automatic change from 8080 to 443, in Server -> Client settings, if 'Secure' is enabled.
Exporting objects from the Diagram view, by multi-select with the mouse, could cause modules with multiple destinations where listed multiple times in the export file.
Fixed a crash in Diagram -> JobMode that sometimes could occur when compacting the diagram view.
When duplicating a form the grab folder was still created even if you canceled the operation.
Fixed an issue where the grab folder, belonging to a form, was renamed when the form was renamed.
Renaming a form, would rename the folder in the resources view, but all files did not show up until restart of the application.
Lasernet Client
Fix for validation changing to required for non-validated fields.
Lasernet OCR Editor
Unhandled exception for OCR Editor -> Forms List -> Move to index.
Fixed a crash when having multiple Check Outs in Dictionary.
Fixed an issue reporting to log that too many sessions for the Dictionary database were open.
Meta Input
Fixed an issue where Meta Input sometimes throws an error in the log during a service start that HTTP could not register the specified port number.
Mail Input
IMAP folder names did not support Danish characters such as “æøå”.
JSON to XML + Form Engine
JSON files with UTF-8 BOM were not supported.
HTTP Output
Fixed an issue where URL parameters with true UTF-8 encoding were not supported.
Fixed an issue where the filter for the list of certificates in the CertStore only included certificates suited for servers (like Web Server TLS certificates).
Printer Output
Added support for setting priority level parameters in a job printed to the Windows printer queue.
Improved extracting text from more complex PDFs.
FTP Input
Fixed an issue where the sFTP protocol also tries to download a folder and not only files.
How to Get Support
If you encounter difficulty using Lasernet, contact us via the Create Ticket button in the support portal.