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Release version: 9.10.2
Release date: 25th November 2020
New Features and Fixes
The purpose of this section is to outline the new features and fixes of the components of Lasernet Version 9.10.2.
Lasernet Form Editor
Fixed a missing combobox to select JobInfo for the "Attachment JobInfo" option in the Sheet Option -> XHTML settings for XHTML output format.
JobInfo Criteria for output destinations now functions for JSON input format.
The Form Engine can now process XML input jobs that included comment tags in XML structure like <!--This is a valid comment. -->.
OCR Engine
Added database support for multiple OCR Engines running on the same server for saving of statistics for processed OCR Forms which were introduced in 9.10.0.
How to Get Support
If you encounter difficulty using Lasernet, contact us via the Create Ticket button in the support portal.