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This article will cover the steps required to add a language to Autoform DM.
This is currently only available via manual translation and configuration, as Autoform DM is only shipped with an English language set. Anyone implementing support for another language will be required to do their own translations.
Identify Locale
Identify the locale code for the specific language required. For example, if you want to provide a German translation, the locale would be De. A list of locale codes can be found at https://developer.chrome.com/webstore/i18n#localeTable.
For the rest of this guide, we will refer to locale De; however, wherever you see this locale, you should substitute it with your required locale.
Translate Files
You will need to provide file translations for each of the .properties files containing display text.
The files within pdm_app_module.ear
that should be translated are:
In order to translate the files, you must:
Make a copy of the original .properties file.
Rename the copy with your desired locale using the format: <resource_name>_<locale>.properties, for example, ApplicationResources_de.properties.
Translate the copy as desired
Add the copy to the .ear file alongside the original.
When translating the .properties file, ensure the format <property.name>=<property.value> is used. You only need to translate the property values, not the property names.
For example, when translating into German:
login.username=Username login.password=Password
login.username=Benutzername login.password=Passwort
Update Server Locale
For Autoform DM to configure the changes, the server it is running on must be configured with the desired locale.
On Windows, follow these steps:
Navigate to Region & Language Settings.
Set your Country or region to the correct region, for example, Germany.
Add a language for that region, for example, Deutsch (Deutschland), and set it as the default.
When you next restart Autoform DM, the regions should be configured correctly for the server and display the correct language.