Keyboard Shortcuts
    • 17 Jul 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
    • Contributors
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    Keyboard Shortcuts

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    Article summary

    You can use keyboard shortcuts to perform different operations in Lasernet. The keyboard shortcuts are listed in the table.



    Close grab file

    CTRL + F4

    Switch to right grab

    CTRL + Tab

    Switch to left grab

    CTRL + SHIFT +Tab

    Bold set/unset

    CTRL + B

    Italic Set/unset

    CTRL + I

    Underline set/unset

    CTRL + U

    Align Left

    CTRL + L

    Align Right

    CTRL + R

    Align Center

    CTRL + E

    Align Justify

    CTRL + J


    CTRL + C


    CTRL + X


    CTRL + V


    CTRL + Z


    CTRL + Y

    Sheet Save

    CTRL + S

    Create New Sheet

    CTRL + N

    Print Sheet

    CTRL + P

    Switch to Select Tool

    CTRL + ALT + S

    Insert Rearrange

    CTRL + ALT + R

    Insert Text

    CTRL + ALT + T

    Insert Keyword (JobInfo)

    CTRL + ALT + J

    Insert Barcode

    CTRL + ALT + B

    Insert Image

    CTRL + ALT + I

    Define Cond Area

    CTRL + ALT + A

    Insert Shape

    CTRL + ALT + H

    Pattern Select

    CTRL + ALT + P

    Select multiple (only for the XML and JSON input and output)

    Click an object.

    Press the SHIFT or CTRL key.

    Click other objects while you continue to press the SHIFT or CTRL key.

    The order you use to select objects does not matter if you hold the CTRL key. If you use the SHIFT key, first click the first object and then the last one, as a result all the objects available between these two objects are selected.

    Switch between entities available on the same position or added to the same node

    ALT + click an object


    CTRL + F

    Find Next


    Find Previous

    SHIFT + F3


    CTRL + F2


    CTRL + D

    Show First Page


    Show Single Page


    Show Previous Page in the order:

    Single - Last - Middle - Middle – First


    Show Next Page in the order:

    First - Middle - Middle - Last - Single Page


    Show First Page (Multiple pages), Single page (One page)

    CTRL + Home

    Show Last Page (Multiple pages), Single page (One page)

    CTRL + End

    Save as


    In-place edit of fixed text rearrange


    Toggle Auto alignment

    CTRL + SHIFT + A

    Show Property Browser

    CTRL + SHIFT + B

    Show Logger Window

    CTRL + SHIFT + L

    Toggle Auto Scroll

    CTRL + SHIFT + S

    Show Thumbnails View

    CTRL + SHIFT + T

    Grab JobInfos

    CTRL + SHIFT + G

    Show Objects panel

    CTRL + SHIFT + O

    Show/hide object boxes

    ALT + F5

    Show/hide Conditional Area guides

    ALT + F6

    Show/hide Region guides

    ALT + F7

    Show/hide Ruler guides

    ALT + F8

    Show/hide all boxes/guides

    ALT + F9

    Recalculate output


    Run JavaScript

    SHIFT + F5

    What's Next
    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.