How Do I Password-Protect PDF Files in Lasernet?
    • 13 Jun 2024
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    How Do I Password-Protect PDF Files in Lasernet?

    • PDF

    Article summary

    Password-protecting PDF documents generated by Lasernet provides an additional level of security to potentially sensitive data.

    Password Protection Types

    Two types of password protections can be assigned to PDF documents:

    • User password protection

    • Owner password protection

    Both user and owner password protection entail different types of limitations:


    User password protection

    Owner password protection

    PDF/A Compliant

    Not Allowed

    Not Allowed


    Not Allowed


    Document Assembly

    Not Allowed

    Not Allowed

    Content Copying

    Not Allowed


    Content Copying for Accessibility

    Not Allowed


    Page Extraction

    Not Allowed

    Not Allowed


    Not Allowed


    Filling of Form Fields

    Not Allowed



    Not Allowed

    Not Allowed

    Creation of Template Pages

    Not Allowed



    Not Allowed


    File Type Conversion

    Not Allowed

    Not Allowed


    To create a PDF security modifier and password-protect your Lasernet-generated PDF document, follow these steps:

    1. Open Lasernet Developer and select the Modifiers tab in the Tools menu on the bottom left corner of the page.

    2. Click the Add button on the Toolbar at the top of the page to create the PDF Security modifier. The Add Modifier window will appear.

    1. Select PDF Security and click OK to access the new Modifier settings.

    1. Select the Setup tab, select the Encrypt checkbox, insert the password into the User and/or Owner password boxes, and click OK.

    As stated in the limitations table, assigning a password prevents Lasernet from generating a PDF/A-compliant document.

    1. Open the Modules tab in the Tools menu and double-click the PDF Engine module.

    2. Ensure you have cleared the PDF/A Compliant checkbox then add it to any modifier point on or after the Exit Modifier on the PDF Engine.

    Open the Generated File

    When accessing the document generated by Lasernet, an input screen will appear. To open the PDF file, type the appropriate password. When working on the file, keep in mind its limitations due to its password protection.


    If a password is lost, the document is not salvageable.

    Use JobInfos to Define Passwords

    Lasernet modifiers and modules generally enable JobInfos to be used by typing # before and after the JobInfo’s name. JobInfos can also be used to set passwords in the PDF Security modifier. The JobInfo’s value must be set prior to the document reaching this modifier.

    Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
    First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
    Enter a valid email
    Enter a valid password
    Your profile has been successfully updated.