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How Do I Enable the Missing Table Generator Feature?
The Missing table generator feature was introduced in Lasernet FO Connector 6.7.0. This feature provides an option to automatically generate any missing tables and fields in the user’s environment for development and debugging purposes.
It can be useful to users who work with highly customized tables and fields, and when importing reports from the customer's environment to the ‘non-customer's’ environment, where fields and/or tables are missing.
Enable the Feature
To enable the Missing Table Generator feature, follow these steps:
In Finance and Operations, navigate to Lasernet > Setup > Parameters.
Open the Performance tab and expand the Check if Lasernet module is compatible with current system section.
Toggle the Enable missing table generator for imported reports button to Yes.
This makes the option available also in the Lasernet report overview.
If any fields and/or tables are missing, a ZIP file is created and downloaded to the machine. The ZIP file includes some XML files and an automatically generated Readme.txt explaining how to apply the missing fields and/or tables in the environment.
The ZIP file contains auto-generated missing tables from the ReportWithMissingTableAndFields report. To install these generated tables and fields, follow these steps:
Create a new package and ensure you add references to the ApplicationSuite packages.
Within the new package, create the AxTableExtension folder and add to it the following files:
Within the new package, create the AxTable folder and add to it the following file:
Compile and synchronize the package.