How Do I Enable Delete and New Buttons on Attachments?
    • 08 Apr 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    How Do I Enable Delete and New Buttons on Attachments?

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    Article summary

    The purpose of this article is to provide a guide on enabling the New and Delete buttons found on the standard attachment forms in Dynamics 365. This is where a user can see the documents attached to a record from Document handling, and manually attach information.


    1. Navigate to your record, select the paperclip icon to view the attachments and validate if the New and Delete buttons are greyed out.

    1. Navigate to Organization administration > Document management > Active document tables.

    1. Add a new record, choose the reference tables for the attachments, and check the Always enabled checkbox.

    1. Verify. The New and Delete buttons are now available for selection.

    Additional information

    More information can be found on Microsoft's ® website:

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