How Do I Create an Azure Resource Group?
    • 11 Nov 2024
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    How Do I Create an Azure Resource Group?

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    Article summary

    What Is an Azure Resource Group?

    A Resource Group in Azure is a way of grouping Azure resources together. For example, a resource group could include all the resources linked to a particular piece of software, like Lasernet, or all the resources linked to a particular project, like a new server.

    Microsoft ® describes a Resource Group as follows: ‘A Resource Group is a container that holds related resources for an Azure solution. The resource group can include all the resources for the solution or only those resources that you want to manage as a group’.

    For more technical information about the Azure Resource Group, consult the Microsoft ® documentation.

    The creation and configuration of the Azure Resource Group require the user to create new resources in Azure. If you are unsure of how to work within Azure, contact your system administrator.

    Where Do We Use Resource Groups?

    For Lasernet, Resource Groups are not strictly necessary, but they can be very useful to group the other required Azure resources together. For example, Virtual Machines, Service Buses, and Storage Accounts. The following is a resource group containing all of the Azure resources for a training environment.


    In the screenshot above, you might notice the use of tags for the Resource group. To learn more about how to use tags, visit the following link:

    How Do I Create a Resource Group?

    1. From the Azure portal home page, select Resource groups from the list of services or use the search bar.

    1. When you select this service, a list of the current Resource groups will be shown, and to create a new one, click +Create.

    1. Fill in the information.




    The location of this Resource Group.

    Resource group

    The name of the new group.


    The location of this resource user on a physical hardware.

    1. When this has been configured, click Review + create.

    1. Azure will run some basic checks. If the checks are passed, the ‘Validation passed’ message will be shown. Click Create to add the new resource group.

    A message will be displayed showing that the deployment is in progress.

    1. Once complete, you can search for your new resource group on the list page.

    Your resource group has now been created, and you can use it to group your linked resources.

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