How Do I Convert the Excel Input to XML within Lasernet?
    • 04 Jul 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    How Do I Convert the Excel Input to XML within Lasernet?

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    Article summary

    This article describes how to set up a modifier for converting Excel input (.xls/.xlsx) to XML within Lasernet 9 or newer.


    The following form configurations require Input, Form Engine, and Output modules.

    Set Up an Excel to XML Modifier

    1. Open Lasernet Developer.

    2. Select Modifiers in the Tools menu.

    3. Double-click the Excel to XML modifier.

    1. The Excel to XML Properties window will appear. Click the Setup tab to adjust the settings as required.

    1. Apply the modifier to a module, such as Form Engine Enter Modifier or File Input.

    This modifier can now be used to convert the input into an XML format for processing by forms with an XML input set. This will enable you to set the Description and Header rows to Ignore.

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