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How Do I Change the Lasernet Server Name?
If you need to change the name of the server on which Lasernet is installed, a few steps must be followed before and after renaming to ensure that it will continue to work correctly.
Deactivate the Lasernet Instances
The Lasernet authentication servers use the server name as part of the authentication process to ensure that licenses are not activated on more than one server.
Therefore, when changing the server name, the licenses need to be deactivated first so that when they are reactivated, they are authenticated with the new server name.
If the licenses are not deactivated first, Lasernet will not work after the server has been renamed, as the activation server will only have a record of the old server name.
To deactivate the licenses when the server is connected to the internet, follow these steps:
Open Lasernet Licence Manager and select the server you want to rename.
Ensure you make a copy of your licenses.
Click the Deactivate button.
After a few moments, the Activation code will disappear and the instance will be deactivated. You will need to do this for all instances in the Licence Manager.
Once all instances have been deactivated, you can now change the server name.
Reactivate the Lasernet Instances
After changing the server name, you will then now need to reactivate your Lasernet instances.
In the Lasernet Licence Manager, highlight an instance and click the Activate button. A window will appear where you can enter your license code to activate the instance.
After a few moments, the license code will appear in the Activation Code column. The instance is now licensed and can be used.
If the server is not connected to the internet, you will need to contact Formpipe Support to help with the process. Before doing that, follow these steps:
With Lasernet Licence Manager open, click the required instance to highlight it and then click the Offline drop-down.
Select Create deactivation request in the top right of the window and create a deactivation request.
You will need to create a deactivation request for every instance and then email them to Formpipe Support to be processed.
Once all instances have been deactivated, you can now change the server name.
After changing the server name, you will then need to reactivate your Lasernet instances. To do this, follow these steps:
With Lasernet Licence Manager open, highlight an instance, click the Offline button, and click Create activation request.
Send the created files to Formpipe Support. An activation response will be returned back to you.
The activation responses need to be imported into the Lasernet Licence Manager. Follow these steps:
Select the required instance and click the Offline drop-down button.
Click Import activation response, select the corresponding activation response, and import it.
Change the Instance Name in your Lasernet Build
The next step is to change the name of the server being used in the Lasernet build, as otherwise, it will try to upload the build to a no longer existing server.
To do this, follow these steps:
Open Lasernet Developer and then your Lasernet build. In the top left, there is a server section (Server box) that lists your Lasernet servers.
Double-click the server name that needs to be changed to bring up the properties window.
On the General tab, update the instance name accordingly.
Click Ok to save the changes and then, with the Lasernet service running, click the Deploy button.
Select the instance, click Ok, and the build will upload.