How Do I Build a Query?
    • 07 Jan 2025
    • 7 Minutes to read
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    How Do I Build a Query?

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    Article summary

    If you wish to build a Lasernet Query to extract data from Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, it is first necessary to find out where in the system that data is. Once the location of the data is known, the Query must be built in a way that enables it to reach the data. This requires knowing how tables are linked together within FO.

    Sometimes, this information is already known or can be easily worked out. For example, customer information is stored in the CustTable. However, when it is not so obvious, there are ways to find out.

    How to Find the Table and Field Names

    When building a Query, the first thing to do is find the data. Here are some suggestions about how to find out the exact location of the data that your customer wants to see in their report.

    Ask for Specific Requirements

    The best way to make sure that the data in the query is exactly what the customer wants is to ask them to specify the exact table and field. An example of a common request from a customer would be:

    “Add the date to the Free Text Invoice report.”

    However, in the Free Text Invoice header, we can see that there are actually six possible dates:

    What we should, instead, be asking for is a more specific requirement. The requirement should show the table name, field name, and, where possible, a screenshot showing the location of the field in the user interface:

    “Add CustInvoiceTable.DocumentDate field to the FreeTextInvoiceReplacement query.”

    Having a well defined requirement, the extra effort needed to work out field names and relations is avoided.

    Right-Click in the User Interface

    If the customer cannot provide detailed requirements, it is possible to find out which table and field names are needed based on a screenshot that the customer provides. For example, if the customer needs to add the Invoice Text to a Free Text Invoice, the customer's requirement would read:

    “Please add the Invoice text to the Invoice lines on the Free Text Invoice Replacement report, as indicated in the screenshot:”

    In this case, it is easy to get the table and field information.

    1. Navigate to the screen shown by the customer in the screenshot. In this case, Accounts Receivable > Invoices > All Free Text Invoices.

    1. Find the field on the form, and right-click.

    1. Point to Form Information and, when the flyout is shown, click Form Name:xxxx.

    The Form Information will be displayed, which will show the DataSource and Data Field.


    The name of the DataSource is the value between brackets. The two values are normally the same, but can sometimes vary. Therefore, ensure that you look at the value between brackets:

    How to Find Table Relations

    The table and field names can be found by right-clicking in the system to find the data, or by asking the customer to be specific. However, once these tables are identified, it is necessary to know how to link them in the Query.

    Browser Add-In Table Browser

    Browser add-ins are available to access the tables in the back end of FO. This one, for example, works for Google Chrome:

    It will allow you to provide a URL, an entity, and log in, in order to see the tables in an environment.

    The user can then either search for a specific table, or click on Table List to view a list of all the different tables in the system.

    This can be useful when trying to understand and build relations as it also includes a search function that makes the process of finding intermediate tables easier. For instance, between logistics tables: a relation may have been built to get an email address from the LogisticsElectronicAddress table, but the Role referenced in that table is just a RecID. By searching for “Logisticselec” in the table browser, we find another table specifically for this Role, from which we can get the label we need.

    By opening the two tables, it is possible to cross-reference the data and find the common features to identify how the tables are linked.

    Native Table Browser

    While a browser add-in is useful, some people are not able to or do not wish to install one. In this case, it is possible to use a native table browser within Finance and Operations. To do so, append the following text to the URL of your FO environment:



    If the URL of an internal test environment were:

    To view the contents of the VendTable, it would be necessary to use the following URL:

    Which would display the contents of the VendTable as:

    This option is useful if the table name is known. However, it is not possible to search for a table as shown for the browser add-in.

    Access to Visual Studio/SQL

    One easy way to find the table relations is to ask a developer or someone with access to Visual Studio or SQL. They will be able to tell you the relation between tables. This can save much work if many relations must be defined, or can be a good solution if the user already has access.

    Most Used Relations

    1. Customer

    A. Full name


    Example from CustTable:

    CustTable.RecId <-> DirPartyTable.RecId.

    B. First name, middle name last name




    From CustTable

    CustTable.Party <-> DirPartyTable.RecId

    DirPartyTable.RecId <->DirPerson.RecId

    DirPerson.RecId <->DirPersonName.Person

    C. Customer title (Mr. Mrs. Ms)


    Example from CustTable

    CustTable.Party <-> DirPartyTable.RecId

    DirPartyTable.RecId <->DirPerson.RecId

    DirPerson.PersonalTitle <-> DirNameAffix.RecId


    Custaccount 122590


    DirPartyTable.RecId=5637198169 (It's therefore possible to jump directly from CustTable to DirPerson)


    DirPerson.PersonalTitle =5637146084


    CustAccount 122590 == Ms J

    D. Contact information (Email, phone number)



    (The ones with checkmark in primary)

    Example from CustTable

    CustTable_Party <-> DirPartyTable_RecId


    E. Address

    LogisticsPostalAddress.Address (Address in one string)





    Example from CustTable

    CustTable_Party <-> DirPartyTable_RecId

    DirPartyTable_PrimaryAddressLocation <-> LogisticsPostalAddress.Location

    Country name (Russia instead of RUS)


    LogisticsPostalAddress.CountryRegionId <-> LogisticsAddressCountryRegionTranslation.CountryRegionId

    F. Delivery address

    DirPartyPostalAddressView.Address (Address in one string)

    (PartyLocation == 5637145327 (hardcodet for type “delivery” se knytning til type længere nede)




    Knytning fra CustTable

    CustTable.Party <-> DirPartyPostalAddressView.Party

    Type (Delivery, Business etc)


    DirPartyPostalAddresView_PartyLocation <-> LogisticsLocationRole_RecId

    2. Translations


    Example from CashDiscCode description added to the ProjectInvoice:

    ProjInvoiceJour.CashDiscCode == CashDisc.CashDiscCode

    CashDisc.RecId == LanguageTxt.TxtRecId

    CashDisc.TableId == LanguageTxt.TableRecId

    Calculated.ReportLanguage == LanguageId

    Example from DlvTerm description added on a report in report language

    CustTable.DlvTerm == DlvTerm.Code

    DlvTerm.RecId == LanguageTxt.TxtRecId

    DlvTerm.TableId == LanguageTxt.TableRecId

    Calculated.ReportLanguage == LanguageId

    3. Prospects

    In AX common everyone starts as prospects and thereefter promoted to either customer or vendor.

    Relation from prospect to customer is therefore relevant:

    SmmBusRelTable.Party == CustTable.Party

    (SmmBusRelTable is table for relevant prospectfields)

    Bonus information

    Field ”BusRelTypeId” indicates if the prospect is still prospect or has been promoted to customer or vendor.

    4. Contacts Title, Profession


    ContactPerson .Profession


    Example from CustTable:

    CustTable.AccountNum <-> ContactPerson.CustAccount

    Bonus info:

    ”JobTitle” is a dropdownfield and therefor better for datadiciplin, where as ”Proffesion” is a ”freetextfield”.

    5. CompanyInfo Contact Information



    Example from Ledger:

    CompanyInfo.RecId == Ledger.PrimaryForLegalEntity

    Example from SalesTable:

    CompanyInfo.DataArea == SalesTable.dataAreaId

    Example from CustTable:

    CompanyInfo.DataArea == CustTable.dataAreaId

    6. BankAccountTable Information







    Example from CompanyInfo:

    BankAccountTable.AccountId == CompanyInfo.Bank

    BankAccountTable.dataAreaId == CompanyInfo.DataArea

    7. Add Bomlines to Report

    There can be several active BomVersions to the InvenDimId is key to getting the correct Bom.

    From Quotation:

    Add CustQuotationTrans

    SalesQuotationDetailsTmp.LACTransRefRecId == CustQuotationTrans.RecId (OuterJoin 1:n)

    CustQuotationTrans.InventDim == SalesQuotationLine.InventDim (OuterJoin 1:n)

    CustQuotationTrans.InventTransId == SalesQuotationLine.InventTransId (OuterJoin 1:n)

    (Cause BOMId is on that table)

    SalesQuotationLine.ItemBOMId == BOMTable.BOMId (OuterJoin 1:n)

    BOMTable.BOMId == BOM.BOMId (OuterJoin 1:n)

    The BOM item number is called BOMTable.BOMId

    The BOM lines Item number is called BOM.ItemId

    Add name to the bom:

    BOM.ItemId == InventTable.ItemId

    InventTable.Product == EcoResProductTranslation.Product

    SalesQuotationTable.LanguageId == EcoResProductTranslation.languageId (SalesQuotationTable is added to SalesQuotationLine)

    Name is EcoResProductTranslation.Name

    8. Add UnitOfmeasureConversion

    Let's say you want to display the product from the unit and factor on a report:

    (from unit) 1 box = 4 ea (to unit)

    Add UnitOfMeasure

    SalesQuotationDetailsTmp.SalesUnitTxt == UnitOfMeasure.Symbol(InnerJoin 1:1)

    Add InventTable

    SalesQuotationDetailsTmp.ItemId == InventTable.ItemId(InnerJoin 1:n)

    EcoResProduct.RecId == InventTable.Product (InnerJoin 1:1)

    UnitOfMeasureConversion.Product == EcoResProduct.RecId (InnerJoin 1:1)

    UnitOfMeasure.RecId == UnitOfMeasureConversion.ToUnitOfMeasure (-||-)

    UnitOfMeasure_1.RecId == UnitOfMeasureConversion.FromUnitOfMeasure


    9. Add Reservation Status to Your SalesLine

    Add SalesLine

    Add InventTransOrigin

    SalesLine.InvenTransId == InventTransOrigin.InventTransId

    Add InventTrans

    InventTransOrigin.RecId == InventTrans.InventTransOrigin

    Add fields InventTrans.StatusIssue and InventTrans.StatusReceipt for reservation status.


    Example - How Do I Add Shipment Header to SalesInvoiceReplacement Report?

    The SalesInvoiceReplacement report does not come with shipment data. To add it, we need to first add the following table to its data sources through the Query wizard:

    • WHSShipmentTable

    To do so, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to Lasernet > Common > Reports.

    2. In the list, find SalesInvoiceReplacement and select the desired record.

    3. Select Query wizard.

    4. Click Next until you get to Tables.

    1. Use the Quick Filter to find records. In this case, find 'WHSShipmentTable'.

    1. On the right pane, in the Query Data sources, select SalesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp.

    2. Click the right arrow button.

    The WHSShipmentTable is added under the SalesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp table.

    1. To set the relation between these two tables, click the Relation/Layout button on the top of the right pane.

    1. On the Relation dialog, click New.

    2. Set the following fields:

    • Related table: SalesInvoiceHeaderFooterTmp

    • Related field: SalesId

    • WHSShipmentTable: OrderNum

    1. Click OK.

    1. Click Next.

    2. In the Available fields under the table 'WHSShipmentTable', select the desired fields, for example ShipmentID, LoadID, OrderNum, ProNum, shipmentManifestTrackingNumber etc. and click the right arrow to move them to the Selected fields section.

    1. Click Finish and exit the Query wizard.

    2. Generate a Sales Invoice that has shipment info associated with it.

    3. In Lasernet Developer, for the SalesInvoiceReplacement form, grab the XML generated from the step above and update the form design to include newly added fields.

    4. Commit and deploy your changes.

    5. In Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, regenerate the Sales Invoice report.

    You should be able to see the newly added fields on the report.

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