How Do I Add the Cloud Print Connector to Event Viewer?
    • 13 Sep 2024
    • 1 Minute to read
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    How Do I Add the Cloud Print Connector to Event Viewer?

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    Article summary

    To add the Lasernet Cloud Print Connector log to the Event Viewer, follow these steps:

    1. Open Event Viewer on the machine where Lasernet Cloud Print Connector is installed, and you want to monitor the log.

    1. Right-click Custom Views and select Create Custom View.

    1. Select By source. From the Event sources dropdown list, select Lasernet Cloud Print Connector if you are running it as a service. Otherwise, if you are running it as a user, select Lasernet Cloud Print Connector UI.

    1. To close the dropdown list, click anywhere in the Create Custom View window.

    2. Give the new Filter a name and click OK.

    Now, everything will be logged in the Event Viewer.

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