How Do I Add Overlays onto the Sheet I'm Working on?
    • 06 Nov 2024
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    How Do I Add Overlays onto the Sheet I'm Working on?

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    Article summary

    Adding Overlays to a Sheet

    You can access and manage the list of overlay files in your form via the Sheet > Sheet Options > Overlay Files menu (the same dialog where you can import your overlays from).

    On the left-hand side of the Overlay Files tab, the overlays that you have added to the First Page, Middle Page, Last Page and Single Page are shown. To the right of the box is the Preview area where you can see a representation of the selected overlay.

    By default, overlays are shown as thumbnails. To show overlays as a list, click the Thumbnails button.

    Add Overlay

    You can add additional overlay files to a page by clicking the Add button. As a result, a dialog for viewing available overlays files listed in the Files > Overlay folder appears.

    In this dialog box you can browse to the directory containing your overlay files with the .lnemf extension and activate a single or multiple overlays. On the Thumbnails tab, you can also preview overlays before adding them. From the Source files tab you can open an overlay in a corresponding graphics editor and edit it, if needed.

    Select/activate the appropriate overlay file and then choose what page it should be added to. Click the Ok button to include it in your form.

    Apart from files, you can also add JobInfos. A JobInfo contains a name of the overlay file stored in the default directory of the current setup.

    For more information on Designing, Generating, Importing or Removing Overlays, see Use Overlays for Graphical Design.  

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